"Eaton," I purred sweetly. He came out of hibernation only to get whacked on the head and go back in.

I sat down and sighed.

"Eaton I need you to decide your friend, Nichols's fate," I whispered as sweetly as possible. Oki smirked and turned back around deciding I could handle it.

"Hmm,"Eaton said sitting up staight," Well, you could give him something in the verde area. I mean he's my friend and he's pretty harmless."

"Okay, um, Ooh how bout we take'm to Silver Farm." I suggested grinning.

Eaton smiled, "Sounds good."

"Dude we are going out to eat at Silver Farm. Bring Zachary and John and meet us at Christopher's car."

Nicholas who had stopped paying attention a while ago shrugged and smiled, "Sure."

Oh this'll be good. "Hey Li has a student council meeting during lunch so it's just me and Oki tagging along," I told Eaton.

He just grinned and turned forward.

"Okay class I'm passing out your recent homework," She started out passing homework spitting out good jobs and try harders. She came up to me, "Nice job Miss Johnson. You're close at the top ranking for our class." I smiled maybe this year it would be different. I could be a honor role student. Hmm. Nah don't want to be a weird unpopular dork who is smart. I'll just stick with weird unpopular dork. Yup sounds good.

"Mr. Cotrim, You have our lowest score. You should really focus on bringing your grades up." She said to Nicholas.

The class erupted in ooh's.

"Sure thing," he smirked. I peeked over at his paper while everyone moved on. Though his fingers covered most of the letter, I saw he got an A.

"But you got a-"

"A D and you have an A. You don't have to rub it in." He shot me a glance.

"Um.... okay." I said looking at him from the side.

I wrote him a note

-Your explanation will be given after class.

He read it and wrote- Um, why should I explain to you? *smirks*

I rolled my eyes at the note.

-Because I know what that grade was.


He pouted at my coping of smirking. He crossed it out and wrote,

- Whatever. don't steal my smirk!

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to Mrs. Katrina.

"Today we are discussing Punnet Squares."

"YES!" I screamed. All heads turned.

One of my friends, Christopher, said,"Hmm seems someone likes Punnet Squares."

"Um, ya think!"

"What a little princess," Nicholas mumbled.

"Yup She's a PSP. Punnet Square Princess." Oki said to us smirking.

"I like that," Christopher said winking at me. I rolled my eyes once he turned back to Mrs K. He is one of the only guys, who have ever liked me, but Just my luck, I don't like him.

Why does that always seem to happen? The guys that you don't like end up liking you.

"Okay Mrs. Johnson why don't you come and work a problem for us," She challenged.

I smirked as the class oohed. Standing up from my seat, I grabbed the marker she offered.

After ten seconds, I had worked through the genetic problem and tossed the marker back.

Our teacher let her mouth gape open. For some reason, I rocked Punnet Squares and genetic problems while the rest of our class sucked at them.

I smirked and sat in my seat. Eaton gave me a fist bump. Nicholas looked at me and rolled his eyes. He leaned back in his chair and kept his eyes on me muttering, "Princess. Princess. Princess..."

So.. eventually I zoned out the fact he existed.

After a 40 more minutes on Punnet squares and me answering every question, the bell rang. Everyone but me cheered.

"Wait you need to complete 8 Punnet square problems on page 109 by friday."

Everyone groaned except me. I just laughed. The whole class glared at me but I stuck my tongue out at them. I gathered up my stuff and kicked my friend, Eaton's foot on my way out.

I started to walk to Spanish class when my arm was tugged and my mouth was covered by a hand. I was dragged to a janitors closet and pushed in. Once the the arm hand loosened, I bit down on the hand. HARD.

"Ouch! Bitch, that hurt."

I turned to see Nicholas holding his hand where I had bit him. I stomped on his foot. HARD.


I cut him off," One, Don't Ever call a girl specifically me, a bitch. I will kill you. Two, Why did you kidnap me?"

"One, you wanted to talk. Two, Its fun to kidnap girls that don't expect it."

Girls expect to be kidnaped? Learn something new every day.

"Oh cause your foot and hand having so much fun right now," I mumbled. "Fine, Why are you secretly getting A's."

"I' break it down for your simple brain. I'm smart but it doesn't work well with my image so I threaten my teachers and most do what I say," He shrugged, "But as you said, I secretly do this. Hence secret as in it must say one."

"Wow, just for your image. I was hoping you were in the witness protection program or something."

"Yes, princess, all for my image. By the way, you aren't the only one who can work a Punnet Square problem."

He winked and walked out of the closet.

"Don't call me Princess!" I yelled at him as he walked away.


This day continues into next chapie!

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