"You're an ass. This place had the best pies," the first guy grumbled, smacking his coworker. "Anyhow, I think foul play, but I'm in the minority. You a reporter? Nothing's been released to the press, man."

"No, just a concerned patron. I loved their pies," I replied, smiling wryly to the first firefighter, who nodded in approval. "Thanks. I hope that you find out what happened soon." I stuffed my hands into my pockets and strode back toward Jasper. We met up, walking back to the car. "What did you get?"

"No one was inside, thankfully," Jasper answered, squinting his eyes. "Jimmy made it out, but he was injured, badly. They wouldn't tell me where, though."

"Chicago Med," I replied. "Get Garrett on it and I'm going to bring Bella to see him."

"What do you want me to do?" Jasper asked, reaching into his pocket and taking out the car keys.

"Find out who fucking blew up The Swan Dive," I snarled, taking the keys from Jasper's hand. "This was a hit, plain and simple. It was a god damned miracle that Jimmy got out at all." Jasper's eyes hardened and he nodded, striding in the opposite direction. His phone was out and he was talking rapidly. I slid into my car, driving back to my condo. I parked the car and rode up to my floor. As I was in the elevator, Jasper texted me.

Jimmy's in surgery. His legs are fucked, but he got lucky. There's more. Alice is trying to find out, but it's slim pickins since we're not family. Alice is pulling the doctor card. I'll let you know if I hear more ~ Jas

Thanks. We'll head there now ~ E

I walked into the house, hearing sniffles and Alice's voice. I saw Bella, curled up on the couch, in my mother's arms. "Dolce," I whispered. She looked up and her distraught face shattered my heart. She scrambled up, running toward me and jumping into my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist. "I'm here, baby. I'm so sorry."

"Uncle Jimmy's alive. We know that much," she choked out. "But, they won't say anything else."

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" I asked. I inwardly grimaced because it was an unknown when it came to protection, but I couldn't ask her to just stay here. She nodded, tightening her hold on me. "Okay, baby." She sobbed against my neck and my mom grabbed a coat, draping it over her back. "Hold on. We're going to go."

"I'll call Jake," Mom whispered. "We'll meet you at the hospital."

I smiled tightly, maneuvering her so she was in my arms. She was shaking and crying. I held her as I rode back down to the parking garage. Jake was waiting for us. I got into the back of the car, cradling her as he drove us to Chicago Med. "Bella, cara, I need you to calm down," I whispered. "I know that you're scared, but Uncle Jimmy ... he's going to need you."

"I know," she muttered, wiping her tears and looking at me. Her face was splotchy, her eyes were red and her hair was a disheveled mess, but she was so beautiful to me. "Just hold me. I need you, Edward."

"I'm right here, Bella," I said, holding her tightly. There was this pit in my stomach. I knew that this was partially my fault. Bella's involvement with me made Jimmy a target and whoever tried to kill him focused on him because of our family. I never thought that they'd resort to exploding a restaurant, possibly killing innocents in the process, but he was in the hospital because of me. Because of the rivalry between the Cullen's and Royce King and Stephan Romani, possibly Marcus Volturi. It made me sick. Loved ones were being injured, perhaps killed, because of this. "I'm here, Bella. I'll always be here."

Jake drove us to the hospital. Bella was slightly calmer, but she was still trembling. Walking into the lobby, I spoke to a receptionist. "I was told that my fiancée's uncle was brought here after an accident."

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