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It was one night when he was 8 when Richard and his parents were in a car parked across the street from a restaurant. 

"Dad, what are we doing here?"

"We are watching." 

"Watching what?"

"It's your brother's Rob's first date?"

"Is Rob getting married? Why is Mom all quiet and crying? Is Rob leaving us?"

"No. Rob is not leaving us. Rob is not getting married, well not yet. And your mother, she's just feels that you are growing up too fast."

"Dad, I do not get it. Why would Mom cry because we are growing up? Shouldn't we grow up?"

"We just feel that you are growing up faster than we thought. We would like to have spent more time with you."

Richard scratches his head. "I don't get it, Dad. We spend a lot of time at home with you and Mom."

"Son, one day, when you have children like us. You will understand." his father replied. His mother has been quietly sobbing.

"What is a date, Dad? You said that's where Rob went?"

"A date is when you meet with someone. Sometimes you go the the arcades or the movies or the beach."

"Huh? Dad? Dei and I do it all the time. We go to the arcade with Yaya Virgie and Yaya Pinky. Is that a date?"

"Yes, somewhat. It's a playdate."

"So why is Mom crying now, she doesn't cry when I go on a playdate?"

His Mom finally responded, "Come here, Bubba RJ. Someday, Mommy will let you know."


When Richard was 12, he was left with his grandfather in the panaderia in Seville while the whole family went to join a fun run. Richard was not allowed due to his asthma.

It was the town fiesta, a lot of people were dancing and celebrating in the streets. They were at the terrazza at the second floor of the panaderia, which they made cozy as for days they didn't want to go back to the house. 

A young couple dancing and kissing caught their eyes. 

"Ah, young love. Must be newly married." his grandfather says.

"Must all people marry, Abuelo?"

"No, Mi Cielito."

"When do you know when you'll marry?"

"You will know."

"How will I know, Abuelo?"

"You just will."

"That's not an answer, Abuelo. How did you know when to marry, Mamie?"

"Ah, always the curious one, Mi Cielito." His grandfather says as he ruffles his hair.

"Your Mamie, when I met her, things looked brighter and clearer."

"Like when it's daylight, Abuelo?"

"Si, M'ijo. You tell her, Tú Eres Mi Sol."

"What does that mean, Abuelo."

"You are my sun. Because, Mi Cielito, the daylight reveals colours, it just doesn't shine, it illuminates it."

Tú Eres Mi SolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon