Day Three

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"So let me get this straight? You accepted a strange neko that a crazy woman handed to you?"

"Yes, Erwin! I couldn't say no to her. She doesn't even believe in the word!" I yelled into the phone at my coworker. Levi sat at the table, poking his food with a spoon, listening in on my conversation.

"Well, whatever! Just make sure you are here in an hour or two, otherwise I'll have to report you to the boss," I could feel his devilish smirk feeding on the blackmail.

"Fine," I snapped, ending the call in a huff of anger. I glanced at the table and noticed Levi didn't eat yet. "What's wrong? Do you not like it?"

He shook his head no and gripped the spoon tighter. "Oh, I get it!" I smirked. I took the spoon from his angel like hands and took a bite out of his pudding.

"Hey, that was mine!" He hissed, and this time he didn't apologize for it. I still remember what happened last night. We got home, immediately kicked off our shoes, and slept in my warm bed. Of course I planned on calling Hange about the change of plans, but Erwin interrupted me.

"See, it's yummy. I should know since I made it," I complimented, "and you probably heard most of my call. I have to go into work tonight otherwise I will lose it. Can you handle being in the house alone?"

He nodded slightly and reached for the spoon, but I pulled it out of reach. "I gotta get ready, so you can finish the pudding tomorrow."

I took his bowl and wrapped in foil, then put it in the fridge. Levi yawned slightly, making me look over my shoulder, "wanna take a nap?" I asked. He yawned again as if he were saying yes.


"Bye, Levi! Don't open the door to strangers!" And like that, he was gone waving down the driveway.

I'm alone now. I finally get to relax and explore unlike the few past days. I walk into his messy room and almost gag over the smell.

"How did I not catch this earlier..," I muttered as I started to pick up some random clothes.

"This almost reminds me of something," I start, "but I can't seem to recall it perfectly."

By the time I was finished, I lacked so much energy. His room was spotless. No more piles of hazardous clothes or choking fumes from earlier.

"That boy needs a healthier life..," I muttered. I stretched out on his neatly made bed. It was oddly warm and felt safe being here. Ever since I was brought to that deranged freak of a girl, I had never felt so lost...confused and frightened. I don't remember much of my past except the person who used to own me. He always smelt of cigarettes and cheap ass cologne you get at your local Wal-Mart.

My ears perked up as rain slowly began tapping the window. Tap Tap Tap. I despised the rain. Eren needs to come home soon. The more I began to ponder my thoughts, the more I began to grow tired. The rain pouring in the background with no means of stopping.

I tried my best to stay awake, but I didn't want to fight it. Then as I woke up, blinking my eyes open. I can tell i woke up to a cold darkness. Maybe I didn't escape, and the plan failed.

Everything was dead silent, but the slight creaking of the house. I got up and wandered to the living space, or the living room you could say. I switched on a few lamps, more like all the lamps he had, around the room.

That is when I heard a knock resonate from the door. Then, a dreadful scent brushed over me. I know that smell. The smell of moldy cigars and cheap-ass cologne. I ran into the kitchen and climbed under the sink cabinets. The piping slightly prodding into my back. I didn't care if it hurt me or not because I smelled him.

That horrible, crazy-deranged man that left me to rot on the streets. Why was he here of all the damn places? I'm hiding, listening intently to his raspy voice calling for someone, anyone who might happen to be home.

My ears naturally pressed against my head out of fear. Then the front door opened full swing and Eren's scent fluttered my senses.

"What do you need? Are you looking for something?" He asked.

The man talked to Eren for some time, going on about his missing neko and that he missed him very much. I guess Eren caught on to his bullshit and told him he hasn't seen me.

"If you find him, here, it has my cell on it." There was a moment before the door shut and the brief sound of crumbling paper.

"Levi," his soft voice carried out, "he's gone now. Where are you? Please come out?" I didn't make a sound, afraid that the evil man might still be there.

Eren was searching high and low for me, telling me it's ok. Footsteps closed in on the sink. My heart started to race rapidly. The cabinet doors slowly opened to reveal my shaken figure.

"Levi, I meant what I said when he left for good." I shrunk away from his outstretched hand, and he hesitated to pick me up. He pulled me out, and gave me the tightest hug he's ever given me. He buried his head in the crook of my neck, taking my scent in. "I know it bothers you."

All I did was nod and hug back. I could feel him carry me around. I opened my eyes to see that we were on the couch. We just sat like that to calm me down. His grasp on me still tight.

After awhile I lightly pushed away from him, "you can let go now," I said. I expected him to let me go, but he hugged me tighter. "I won't leave you home alone again," he whispered. He patted my back lightly and let me go.

"Why don't you take a bath while I make something to eat?" My ears perked at the word bath. He started to laugh, "c'mon let's go." He picked me up and carried me like a child. I struggled to escape from his hold as we entered the bathroom. "I saw my bedroom when we passed it. You must really like to clean, huh? I honestly didn't believe Hange when she mentioned it."

I looked up at him as he set me down on my feet. He gave me the goofiest grin I've ever seen on a person. "The bath is nothing to be afraid of. It helps keep you clean," he said as he picked up a towel off the shelf above the toilet.

"So please take one, if you don't then I guess you don't get dinner," he smirked.

I yanked the towel from his hands and glared at him, "get out." He laughed at me and closed the door. Ok, a bath. Can't be too hard, right? I turned on the water and it began to slowly collect at the bottom.

I wonder what he has on his mind for dinner. Can't be much, the fridge looked pathetic. I bring the towl up to my face, taking a deep breath. He's kind, I can hive him that, but he is still pretty stupid. When I see the water rise a few inches from the top, I shut off the flow of water.

Finishing up, I wash out all the soap from my hair. I can't stand being filthy. Then I drain the water before I step out. A smell catches my nose. It smelt strange and unfamiliar. Wrapping the towel around me, I opened the door. The steam escaping from the bathroom.

It was normal of me to take hot baths. Even though, I despise getting wet. The smell intrigued me, but I wanted to change into something more suitable than just a towel.

I entered my perfectly spotless room, my tail curling with satisfaction of my work. Being clean is always my top priority. I don't know if I could ever say the same about my idiot of an owner.

I had a small pile of neatly folded clothes, mostly night clothing. After I got dressed and looking ready for the night, I joined my owner in the kitchen. Apparently, he did find something in the fridge worth scrapping up. However, I had to admit something. It smelt so good to me. Due to me not being human, my sense of smell was stronger.

"That was a quick bath, I must say." Eren turned around, the medium pan in his hand. He held the plastic spoon in the other. "Ready to eat the best food in the entire world?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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