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THE HOUSE WHERE I now lived was twice the size of my previous one

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THE HOUSE WHERE I now lived was twice the size of my previous one. But, what can I say, the Barry family was quite rich. The house was large, beautifully decorated, and fit the family just perfectly. Perfection—what a word. The meaning to be free from flaws or defects, but how could a single thing be so pure?

"Samantha!" Diana called from the top of the stairs.

I looked up, and there she was—dressed in a beautiful gown on the top of the staircase, stood my cousin, Diana. I hadn't seen her in ages, and it felt like I was seeing her just now for the first time.

"Diana!" I called as the dark haired beauty rushed down the stairs and hugged me tightly. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," She said, pulling away. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Samantha."

I looked down and sighed, "Thank you. I'm just happy to be able to get away from everything and start a new life here."

"Well, I'll be happy to accompany you during your 'new life'." She said, causing me to giggle. "Where should we start?"

I looked down at all my bags that surrounded me, then looked back up at her with a slight smile, "Want to help me sort out my new room?"

"I would be delighted," She said, smiling, and grabbing a couple of my bags.

"So, Samantha, are you planning on attending school this year? It only started a few days ago, so you won't be too far off." Diana said while we folded my clothes and hung up my dresses.

"I guess so," I said, while hanging the last item of clothing up into my closet. "Do you think the people there will like me?"

I've always been self-conscious—it's one of my biggest weaknesses. One I developed mostly from my mother, who always seemed to tell me that I was fat, ugly, and worthless. Only when she was drunk, of course. But it still hit me hard.

"Of course they would! Why wouldn't they? You are absolutely stunning, Samantha." Diana beamed, causing me to smile a little. "And I absolutely love your hair!"

I looked into the mirror and noticed my familiar white-blonde hair that is always so noticeable. It reminded me almost of snow, and my bright blue eyes reminded me of ice. I almost reminded myself of winter itself, as it is my favorite season.

I looked back at Diana. She and I were quite opposite on the outside. She had dark, raven colored hair, with dark brown eyes that reminded you of the night. I was more like the light, and her and I together looked like the night sky. She is the night, and I am stars.

The only thing that sets us apart is that I am not a glorious princess like she is. I like to adventure and do things that woman should not ever do. But it's all about having fun. And school will be an adventure, sort of.

"I guess I will attend school." I said, sighing.

"Yay!" Diana beamed, grabbing my hands and jumping up and down. "You can meet Anne!"

"Anne?" I asked curiously, furrowing my eyebrows. "Who is that?"

"A girl who just moved here from Nova Scotia," Diana explained. "She is an orphan who was recently adopted by the Cuthbert's."

"Oh," I said, nodding as if I knew who those people are, when in reality I had no clue.

"Also," Diana whispered, pulling me closer. "You get to meet Gilbert Blythe. He is coming back tomorrow, so you two will both be arriving on the same day. How amazing is that!"

"Quite amazing," I said, fake smiling. "Forgive me, but who is Gilbert Blythe?"

"Only the most beloved boy in Avonlea," Diana said dreamily.

"Really?" I asked, taking a mental note on this so called Gilbert.

"But!" She said suddenly, causing me to slightly jump. "He is off limits. Ruby has liked him for three years, and she has already called dibs."

"Alright," I said, not bothering to ask who Ruby is.

"Alright!" She beamed. "Now, let me give you a tour of my home. Well—our home now."

Diana took my hand, leading me out of my room and beginning her—well planned—tour of her home.

"Mother, Samantha is here." Diana said, smiling brightly at her mother who was making herself some tea.

Her mother turned around, a bright smile plastered on her face.

"My, my, it has been too long." Mrs. Barry said, walking up to me and giving me a hug. "How have you been?"

"I've been okay, I'm just glad I can stay in a better place now," I said and smiled slightly. "How have you been, Aunt Barry?"

"Very well," She said and smiled. "Did you give her the tour, dear?"

"Yes," Diana said and smiled. "I was just about to show her outside, if that is okay."

"Go ahead," Her mother said, sitting down on the sofa. "But don't stay out too late, do you understand?"

"Yes, mother." Diana said, grabbing my hand once again and leading me outside.

"We must go meet Anne, you'll absolutely love her." Diana said, smiling. "Do you want to go visit her?"

"Why not?" I giggled, running with her towards the woods.

I did not know who this Anne was, but I somehow got a feeling that she and I would get along quite nicely, if Diana is her best friend.

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