Mafiatale x Shy! Reader

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You worked in the monster mafia by helping Toriel and Alphys take care of the place. You worked well but had a secret. You could sing. You had no idea how the others would react to you singing, especially Mettaton and Gaster.

The two for different reasons. Mettaton because he was a singer aand you didn't want him to criticise you. Gaster because he was your crush. Anyway, on with the show? Ok. Glad you agree. You were putting away the plates as you starting to hum. Gaster was walking by as you started to sing.

"They keep creeping towards the door. My stomach twists and turns, like a worm under a lure." You sang as you dried some bowls. You started to hum again before Gaster tripped over a chair (HE NEEDS SOME MILK!). You perked to the noise and Gaster groaning before turning around and seeing Gaster.

"Oh! G!" You said before drying your hands and helping him up. Gaster placed his hand on the counter as you looked concerned. "Are you ok?" You asked. "Yeah. I am. But, I never knew you could sing." Gaster said before you perked and started to blush.

"Y..You heard me... singing?" You asked. Gaster nodded before he saw you rubbing your arm and tears rimming your eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" Gaster asked with his hands on your shoulders. "Y..You aren't freaked out or... disguested?" You asked. "Why would I be?" Gaster ask as he used one hand to wipe your left eye gently.

"I..I don't know..." You said before Gaster smiled. "I really like your singing. It's better than Mettaton's." Gaster said before you looked at him. "R..really?" You asked. Gaster nodded before he kissed your forehead. You smiled before Gaster hugged you. You keot smiling as you hugged Gaster back.


Emily: Nope. I'm leaving and I am getting coffee.

Gaster AU Oneshots 2Where stories live. Discover now