"I'm fine really, you should go its getting late"

"Okay call me if you get to lonely here"

You smile at his kindness. You playfully punch his chest and he laughs.

"I would call Yoongi not you"


"Now what shall I eat?"

You hummed while walking around the house. It really did feel empty now that Yoongi wasn't here. You considered calling Jin over but you figured he was probably already busy making namjoon dinner.

In the middle of your humming you choked on your saliva and triggered a coughing fit. You violently coughed into your hand as you made your way to the tap. Tears had already come out by the time it had stopped. You let out a frustrated scream at how tired you were, but all that came out was a wheeze.

You shook you head as you rubbed your chest again.

You opened a pack of ramen and tossed it into the boiling water. But since you were clumsy the powder packets went in there as well.


You tried to get it out with your hands and accidentally touched the boiling water.


You pulled your hand back and shook it in the air. When you had a look at it your eyes widened when there was blood on it. You looked at it confused.

"How did...."


You slipped into the bed as you continued to cough to yourself. You went to bed without actually eating the ramen you had cooked. You didn't have the appetite.

As you pulled the covers over it hurt to breathe in. You turned to the side hoping it would relieve the pain. You took deep breaths in trying to calm yourself down. It felt like you were underwater, you couldn't breathe very well.

Suddenly your phone rang giving you an excuse to get up.

-I landed safely-

You smiled seeing the text. But you left him on read as you remember how he left you.

-Hello? Aren't you happy?-

You snickered to yourself as he kept spamming you.

-You're not really mad are you?-

-You know I'm not going to talk to anyone else but you-

-I'm sorry okay?-

-I don't think my pride is going to let me continue pleading-

-Please answer I'm scared and lonely here- 

You laughed raspy as the coughs didn't leave you alone. Despite the pain you couldn't help but giggle at his texts.

-Good night Yoongi-

You locked your phone and slipped back into the covers. You heard your phone ring a couple of times causing you to let slip a smile.

He really was too adorable....


You woke up on a bed, unable to get up. As your senses came back to you, you felt the needles in your arm.

"Noona! Wake up!"

You turn to your side and see a worried Hobi. Tears were threatening to spill in his eyes.

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