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"Can you pull the Cup out?" Alec asked after Nyx had handed the card to her sister, watching her tap and scare at the material at an attempt to pill the mortal instrument out.

"I can...theoretically," Clary answered, frustrated. "I just- it's not as easy at it looks Alec.

Nyx couldn't believe it. All of their attempts at getting the damn thing, and now that they finally have it- theoretically- Clary may not be able to pull it out like she thought she could.

"Listen, you two can discuss theories as much as you want when we get back to the Institute," Jace told the two, not in the mood for them to argue.

"Guys," Isabelle warned, eyeing her ruby necklace which began to pulse a vibrant red. A sign that demons were near. 

"At least we know the demon necklace works," Nyx shrugged, her hand clenching around her seraph blade handle.

"Never a dull day," true to that, "Let's go." The group began walking away from the police building at Jace's words. Clary was lagging behind, looking around in panic while she called out for them to slow down. Nyx, upon seeing her sister a few paces behind them, fell back and grabbed her arm, pulling her along with them and forcing her sister to walk faster.

"Oh, I am so sorry," Clary apologized once she bumped into an old lady, the bag in her arms dropped to the ground in a thud. The red head crouched down to grab the bag, looking up to the hold lady's face to see it splitting open to the sides, forming an X like shape with her mouth in the middle, revealing dangerously sharp teeth.

"Grandma," Nyx smiled sarcastically, pulling out her seraph blade and thrusting the glowing weapon into the monster's chest, watching it shriek and disintegrate into ashes.

"What the hell?" Clary said.

"Language," Jace chided, the three shadow hunters came back to stand in front of Nyx and her sister. "Not in front of grandma."

"How did it find us?" Alec asked tensely.

"I don't know, but she brought friends," Jace answered, looking somewhere behind them. Looking back, Nyx could see an officer step out of his police car, his eyes flashing an unnatural turquoise-blue color.

"How can you tell?" Clary asked, confused.

"It's like seeing through a glamour," Jace answered, turning and walking away quickly, the group following him a well.

"You just gotta pay attention to the details," Nyx cut in, sheathing her seraph blade back into he back, grabbing her sister's arm and began dragging her one again, not wanting her to fall back when there were demons out and about.

"But I can't see anything," she protested.

"Behind us," Isabelle said without turning her head, keeping her eyes forward.

"I- I still can't see anything," Clary said, her eyes moving around from person to person, not seeing the unnatural features on some of them. "Okay, there's too many people."

"I don't say that often, but I agree with Clary," Alec said. "We gotta get out of here."

"Hey, this way!" Clary told them, walking hastily towards a set of concrete stairs, running down them and towards a door that read 'Electrical Room'. She stopped and looked back to Jace, her stele in hand. "What's the Unlock rune again?"

"Open sesame," Nyx huffed, kicking the door open with her foot. "Go," she looked back at them, gesturing for them to enter the dimly lit room before her. After they entered, Nyx took a second to look around in the dark, her fists clenched tight as one thought kept repeating in her head.

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