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"Why did she do that?" A voice asked.

"How are we supposed to know?" A second voice asked.

I opened my eyes and saw shapes developing. My mum was sitting at the end of my bed. I looked around the room and saw I was in the infirmary. I groaned and mum turned around to face me. She wore a tired expression on her face.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Sore" I answered rubbing my head.

Another person walked into the room. I looked up and saw Alpha Damyn Silver looming over me. I gulped and all the memories of yesterday came rushing back.

"I'm so sorry about your daughter" I cried out.

Damyn sighed,"It's fine"

I was confused. Normally if anyone hurts a werewolf in power they would probably get kicked out.

"I did not know about Beatris and Skarlet terrorising your family" He said sitting down on a nearby seat.

The door opened again and Nurse Kyria walked through. She held a clipboard and her black high heels clapped on the floor.

"Well your all okay to go" Kyria said to me.

Mum sighed with relief.

"When you are all better,met me in my office" Damyn said and with that he whisked out of the room.


I paused before knocking on the oak wood door. I heard voices,arguing. I sighed and knocked three times before someone shouted for me to come in. Inside two brown armchairs faced a oak desk. Sitting behind it was Alpha Damyn. One of the armchairs was occupied with Skarlet Silver. I gulped nervously.

"Take a seat" Damyn addressed me to one of the chairs.

I sat down next to Skarlet. She had a bruise on her check and her leg was wrapped in a bandage but other than that she looked fine. Except for her menacing glare towards me. I turned my attention back Damyn. His jet black hair had grey streaks in it and his green eyes looked tired. He wore a dark grey suit with a silver tie. His desk was tidy except for a pile of papers which were all different colours.

"Now as you girls know,the Full Moon Cermony is coiming up" He spoke.

Skarlet's face lit up with excitement and I mentally groaned. The Full Moon Ceremony was to find your mate. You attend a ball and a ceremony to hopefully find your one and only. I always grimaced when Caitrin would talk on and on about it.

"So I know Skarlet would love to go" Damyn said smiling at his daughter.

She nodded her head up and down eagerly.

"And Blare wants to be a pack hunter,am I correct?" He asked looking my way.

"Yes,Sir" I nodded my head.

"So I have come to agreeable punishment for you,Blare" He explained and Skarlet sniggered.

Damyn shot a look at Skarlet and she looked down at her ankle boots.

"Blare you will attend the ceremony and be Skarlet's body guard" He explained.

"What?!" Skarlet cried.

"You heard me" He said looking at her.

She growled and looked at me,"She can not be my body guard"

"Oh but she will,or you won't go" Damyn said.


"No buts,end of discussion" He slammed his fist on the desk and Skarlet jumped.

I sat up from the chair and walked out the door. Scarlet followed me and when we got somewhere quiet she grabbed my arm. I turned around and looked at her.

"I don't like his punishment" She said her eyes glowering.

I shrugged and tried to break free of her hold.

"But I want to go" She said.

"So go" I pointed to the door.

She shook her head,"You have to come otherwise I can't go"

"Well I don't want to go" I told her.

"So,you have to"

"No I don't"

"If you don't go I can't go" She whined.

I broke free of her grip and quickly walked away. I sighed thought about the ceremony,I've never been. My oldest sister,Fleur,has and that's where she found her mate,Oliver,but she said it was really busy because all sorts of werewolves were there. Now she lives in another pack way across the country. The ball sounds terrible and the actual ceremony sounds boring but Fleur said the hospitality was amazing and they had the best food ever. I laughed remembering her excited face when she brought Oliver home,sadly he is from another pack but we still see her every holidays.

"Please go with me" I heard Skarlet whine behind me.

I thought about it and it can't be that bad.

"Fine" I said turning around to her.

Her face lit up,"You will come?"

"Yes,I will"


My first ever story is called "In The Eye Of The Predator" and I think it is good. If you want please check it out.

I try and edit my story so you all can read it easy but if there are any mistakes please feedback so I can be more careful in the future.

Who is is your favourite character so far?



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