Chapter 16

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Sara's P.O.V

"Wait wasn't you and my aunt suppose to be going out today?" Angel said to me as I was strapping the kids into the car. I finished and stood up to look at him.

"I've pushed it to tomorrow."

"But I mean if you still wanna go I can just take my kids back." He went to reach for them and I slapped his hands. He pull them to his chest and I shook my head.

"I'm sure, besides I want you to go out and have some fun, not to much, but just enough so I don't kill you. And I know you might wanna leave before Shelia comes." His eyes widened and he said bye to the kids before he went straight into the house. That boy walk so straight to be bent. Get it because in bed he gets bend over. Let me stop that was mean.

I got in my running car and honked the horn before I drove off. Me and Angel been arguing all night about me taking the kids to go see Mason and I understand that him and mason are having problems right now but that's no reason to keep the kids from him when the kids have nothing to do with it. It hurt the kids more than Mason anyway.....Probably. He better had missed them or I'll break his damn neck.

I pulled up in front of my nephew house and got the kids out the car. Austin ran up to the door and pressed the bell. Once I got to the top of the steps the door open and pop goes the weasel that I have never seen before.

"Who are you?" He asked. I can see he doesn't have any manners. This must be the all great, Axton

"Not here for you." He looked at the little ones and rolled his eyes.

"Obviously, I can see that."

"Great now move."

"Why should I?"

"You can either move or I can break your nose. Your chose." He was still just standing there. See now I asked nicely but you just can't be nice to people. Just as I was about to put Ariana down he turned around and moved out of my way. Mason came into view and Austin went and wrap himself around his leg, he on the other hand did not look to excited to see me. He let me in and picked up Austin of his leg.

"Why are you here?"

"So you don't see your kids? That's okay I'll just take them back." I went to grab Austin but he pulled him back from my reach.

"I'm sorry. Yes I see them and I'm glad to see them."

"You look like hell honey." He kissed his son forehead and put him down by his side and just shrugged his shoulders. Like he looks fine to anyone who was to look at him that didn't know him. Yet I can see that his eyes look life less and his body looked drained.

"I feel like hell. I am hell. I don't know I think I'm just tired maybe." I gave him Ari and she kissed his nose wrapping her arms around him. He smiled and pat her back.

"Come on we can go talk upstairs once I put them in their room so they can play." They went off and I went upstairs just to be stop again by this animal.

"Is there a reason that you keep getting in my way."

"Because you're in mine."

"So you're a grown man find another way. I prefer the roof and you jump off." I smiled and pushed pass him. I went into Mason room and wanted for him to come up here. I can see why Angel hate him and I've only been here for 5 minutes.

"Now again why are you here."

"You just said we can talk so you already know why I'm here."

"I can't see why thought everything is fine." I know he ain't serious right now. I sat on the bed and folded my arms.

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