celestino let out a dry chuckle, and yuri felt leo's hands slow down on his back fro a moment, before returning back to their motion of up and down, up and down his back.

"ain't it funny, kid?" he said to leo, whilst yuri kept breathing in and out, in and out until his chest started to loosen up and he reached he surface of the swimming pool.

"i said ain't it funny," celestino repeated, scratching at the back of his neck. "that my best paying boy has a fucking screw loose. those pills and that compulsory therapy at the hospital after he tried to top himself cost me a-fucking-lot. would've cost me less if he'd just cut deep enough," celestino laughed, slapping his thigh.

"you've got to pull yourself together, babe," he called over to yuri, "because it was bullshit like what you just pulled that caused you to fuck up your skating in front of the whole world, wasn't it? some kids never learn, do they leo?"

leo said nothing; yuri wanted to feel anger but had only the energy left to cry. he hid his face from celestino, so that he wouldn't catch sight of the tears running down his cheeks.

"i said do they, leo?" celestino repeated, with an edge like a knife's to his voice. leo was a smart kid, yuri could tell; he knew what to say and do, even if it wasn't what he wanted.

"they never do," leo laughed obediently. celestino chuckled to himself again, and yuri leant into leo's chest to cry silently, as he had taught himself to do since he'd ended up off the streets and in the apartment without hot water and his prozac in the bathroom.

"phitchit, hurry the fuck up," celestino bellowed, and phitchit quickly apparatus in the living room, with a made-up face and outfit that showed off his caramel legs that yuri thought should be saved for someone who cares for him and appreciates his body.

"you better not pull any of the panic attack shit tomorrow at victor nikiforov's party," celestino warned yuri. yuri knew that his body was all too precious to celestino, and that's why his name had been taken off of the list for requests online that night. celestino needed him for the parties such as victor nikiforov's to bring in the money from an unknown bedroom and from unknown hands and mouths.

hearing his name being spoken by celestino made yuri draw in his breath quick, as if celestino had kicked him in the lilac ribs once more.

"bye," phitchit called quickly, before celestino hurried him out of the door. leo, sighed and rubbed his eyes, whilst yuri slipped his phone of out his pocket and started to type a new message to victor.

he still had a fantasy that he had clung to like his mother's photo stashed under his mattress away from celestino - a fantasy he had in his head since victor nikiforov whispered the words "you're not nothing" and kissed him on that grey couch as no one had kissed yuri before - not after akio had.

with love, want and appreciation, as if yuri were as fragile as glass, and not with grubby lust at a party where he was there for a use, like cocaine sprinkled on glass coffee tables.

"i'll be one fucking minute, phitchit," celestino called, grumbling to himself about forgetting his phone and running back up the stairs. through the rain-stained windows - the raindrops likes diamonds on the glass, yuri could see the boy he had tried so hard to protect from the monster upstairs checking his eyeliner in the car's mirror beside an unknown driver, and yuri felt the same surge of protection he had felt the time celestino first raised his hands to phitchit.

as protective as his elder sister mari had been before her car skidded off of the road one winter in hatsetsu when she and his mother were driving in mari's old car that had the scent of jasmine and cigarettes.

victor💍: hey yuri

victor💍: shine bright like a diamond

the diamonds on the window brought him away from the icy roads of the home he missed and back to his fantasy of leaving celestino's grasp and a silver-haired, blue-eyes boy kissing him with love, want and appreciation.

he never said that he loved you, yuri.
he didn't even reply.
he said it before as a joke.
he's bored.
he's rich and bored.
he's playing with you.

yuri pulled out his phone and typed out the text to victor who's reply he was depending on as if it were prozac on those dark days he had.

babe🍬: do you love me, victor nikiforov

"for fuck's sake, yuri, who are you texting?"

at the sound of celestino's heavy boots on the stairs, yuri quickly deleted the conversation with victor, remembering what celestino would do to him if he found out he was still talking to him.

he only just managed to click block contact "victor🍸" before celestino marched up to him and snatched his broken phone away from his grasp, cursing at yuri as he did so.

"you ain't supposed to be on this, are you, babe?" he growled like a rabid dog. "or have you forgotten that you've been a bad little boy, yuri? huh?"

yuri winced at how close celestino was to him, and celestino laughed, clearly delighting in the power he held over yuri katsuki and the frightened looking leo de la iglesia, before he staked out of the door with yuri's broke phone in hand and slammed it shut behind him.

yuri hadn't sent the text to victor, and rubbed his arms as if he were cold as phitchit was driven away from him to a stranger in a strange hotel room. but really, yuri was only so lonely, and was longing for his fantasy to be a his reality.

he doesn't love you, yuri.
celestino is right.
he doesn't love you.
he didn't reply, yuri.
it's only a fantasy.
it isn't your reality.

you think the last chapters have been angsty? just you guys wait for victor's party oh my god

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