21- losing you're memories

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Yuri's Pov.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen and she went pale withing 0.5 seconds.

"What? What happened??" I ask worried.

"T-they....I-I..." she starts stuttering.

"It's ok, tell me, I'm here for you" I reassure patting her thigh gently.

"I CAN'T" she yelled standing up while holding her head.

"Hey hey calm down....." I try hugging her again but she just pushed me away.

"You gotta come" she says grabbing my hand harshly. She ran out of the building while holding my hand.

We arrived at a drug store, she bought a few boxes of the same thing then we ran back to the Rink.

"Where were you??!" Yakov asks angrily.

"Drug store" I say pointing to the bag in (Y/n) hand.

"Why??" Mila asks.

I didn't know what to answer and (Y/n) only looked away worrying me even more.

"I'll be right back" she says before running to the Bathroom.

We all waited for (Y/n) to come out. My mind was running wild.....She wasn't pregnant right? Did she buy pregnancy tests? What was going to happen? Is she ok? Finally Mila broke the Ice.

"We called the police.....They arrested the men......There were 6 of them...." she says making me bite my lip.

"Those fuckers raped (Y/n)" the words slipped out of my mind and everyone gasped, Rikky grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek reassuringly.

Suddenly the door to the Bathroom opened and (Y/n) stepped out. We all stood up and looked at her waiting for her to say something.

"I-I'm.......Pregnant" she says before crying.

That was it......The end of the line...The love of my life was pregnant with someone's else's baby because I couldn't help her.

I ran towards her and hugged her while sobbing in her hair.

"I-It's ok.....We'll do this...I'm going to protect you.....And this child" I say as she smiled into my chest.....

"I love you, and this child" I say putting my hand on her tummy.

-Weeks Later-

You're Pov.

Here we go.....The man said my name and I skated onto the Ice, my makeup shining as the lights were placed on my body, my beautiful wavy blue and purple dress whooshing behind me as I skated around. I skated to the middle of the rink and positioned myself. I started skating to the music. With every sound I heard my heart started beating faster. I was on the last jump, my energy was incredibly low but I had to do this! I HAD to do it! I jumped off the Ice but something didn't feel right.....Something felt very wrong. My eyes landed on Viktor who started running towards me while screaming my name. Just as I landed I fell hitting my head hard........... Everything went Black and my hole life flashed before my eyes.....What is this feeling.....This empty feeling?

Viktor's Pov.

(Y/n) jumped her last jump and something horrible happened, her skate fell off and cut her other foot, I started running towards her along with Yakov, we both knew what was next but we tried to hope it wouldn't. To our dismay (Y/n) fell hitting her head. My heart stopped when I saw the blood, her eyes looked up....I kneeled next to her and tried waking her up.

"(Y/N)??! (Y/N) LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME PLEASE! PLEASE!!" I yell hugging her.

An ambulance was called an she was taken away.....What am I going to tell Yurio? What am I going to tell her mother?.....What's Yakov going to do??

on Ice (yurio x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt