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Art by: ???


Aphmau was aiming at one of the apples in the apple tree with her bow, he full concentration was on it.

She hit it and it fell down, but it caused the whole branch to fall down and her black head werewolf with a blue streak best friend to call and face plant on the floor.

"OWWWWIIIIEEEEE" Ein remarked as he got up and turned on his back, Aphmau went up to him while laughing her face off.

"My Irene Ein that was a tremendous fall." Aphmau commented and Ein sat up.

"Well WHO broke the branch?" Ein said as he raised an eyebrow at Aphmau.

"Oops." Aphmau said and Ein stood up.

Then, Zack went up to them while laughing, "Ein I just gotta say, my daughter's right. That was a tremendous fall." Zack said and Ein sighed.

"Well Zack your daughter caused this." Ein said and Zack laughed.

Okay just to explain why Ein didn't call Zack "your majesty" that's because he's been Aphmau's friend for a very long time that Zack considered him family and after his parents' death he lived with them in the palace and Zack and Sylvanna are like his parents so he calls them by their name and they're completely fine with it. BAI and yes I just broke the fourth wall... AGAIN.

"Welp gotta go to practice before Katelyn's rips me to shreds." Ein said as he grabbed his sword and ran off.

"Man I have one HELL of a bestie." Aphmau commented and Ein stopped.

He then turned his head to Aphmau, "I heard that." He said then ran off.

Aphmau laughed and went back into the castle with her father.


"Are you all ready!" Katelyn, the head guard and the guard academy teacher, yelled as all her students stood in their positions in front of an iron mannequin.

"GO!" Katelyn said as she fired her gun in the air and they all started slashing.

The only one who did it the best was Aaron Lycan, he's Katelyn's favorite because of how determined he is when it comes to fighting. He also never lost a fight in his life and that's the big ol' mystery.

After the training, Katelyn went up to Aaron. Who was just wearing a red jacket, black jeans and black sneakers. He had a mask over his eyes and he was drinking water.

"Aaron." Katelyn said and Aaron looked at her.

"You've improved and your fighting caught the eyes of the King." Katelyn said and Aaron tilted his head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Aaron asked and Katelyn smiled.

"You'll be working as the princess' personal guard."


"What?!" Aphmau said and Sylvanna sighed.

"Hija this must happen. Me and your father have a personal guard, maid and butler. You also need them. You have Ein as your personal butler, Tatiana as your personal maid and you have no personal guard. So we assigned one for you. The strongest guard that Katelyn has." Sylvanna explained and Aphmau sighed

"Ugh fine. But he'll do what I say." Aphmau said and Zack sighed.

"He is YOUR personal guard. He'll do anything you say but his job is to protect you." Zack said and Aphmau sighed.

"When will he get here?" Aphmau asked and Zack looked at his wristwatch.

"Ein will pick him up after practice. So after 30 minutes." Zack said and Aphmau sighed.

"Can I go up to my room?" Aphmau asked and Zack nodded.

Aphmau ran up to her room, but ran into Tatiana on her way.

"Tatiana there you are." Aphmau said and Tatiana held her maid dress and bowed.

" Aphmau said and Tatiana held her maid dress and bowed

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This is Tatiana's outfit but she's wearing pink flats. Is it cute?

"You don't need to be so formal. Now, my parents assigned me a personal guard." Aphmau said.

"Well if you want my opinion... They are right. Aph you need a personal guard y'know, it's part of the rules." Tatiana said and Aphmau sighed.

"I hope he's not strict and will listen to what I say."

First chappie of a funny Aarmau AU.

Laughter will be next chappie!

Ciao Adios!

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