17//My Last

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3 Months Later Terrence POV-

3 whole months in the hospital was hell for me like I had to eat some nasty shitlums gross..I thought I was gonna die like I really wanted to die my nigga.

Put me in a grave next to my mother. I did lose my memory for a split second that's what the doctor told me, He told me that Taraji was there to witness it.

I am in fact paralysed it's nothing to be proud of but I might not be able to ever walk again I guess..there goes my life.

Taraji and Jussie should be here any moment.

"Terrence Howard you have guest." Nurse Nancy says, behind her is my wife and Jussie.

Raji pushes past the nurse grabbing my face kissing all over it, "Can't breathe." I say giggling.

"I..Love...You.." She says in between kisses.

"And I love you." She really does love me.

"What about me? I don't get any love?" Jussie says, I motioned him to come to me and he did. We shared a hug this nigga is like a son to me. "Aww papa bear." He says, playing with my hair.

"Nancy said that ya wheel chair is in front of your door so whenever you are ready to go home we will do that." Raji says, holding my hand.

Later in the car,

"Ugh what's taking so damn long." To be honest I am agitated like I wanna go home now!

Yes I am on meds!😪👎 "Calm your ass down we are almost there like chill." said Taraji while driving the car.

"Bitch nobody told you to take me home if you got a problem with it drop me the fuck off right now." I fired back.

I can tell that Jussie was getting annoyed since he has headphones on.

"He's still gay?" I whisperd to Raji.

"Is that relevant right now? Yes he is gay still shit at least he is getting some good dick unlike me who has an asshole of a husband who could barely get it up." She mummbles, like I didn't hear that shit.

This bitch, "Maybe if ya pussy wasn't so washed up and dry than I wouldn't have fucked Mira." If I could take back what I said I would but it's too late.

"You...you what? Please say that again." The car stops, she gives me a cold look before taking out the keys.

"I've slept with Mira..."

All of a sudden little miss dramatic Taraji gets out of the car taking out the keys walking out of the car, "She ride me like a pornstar she ride she ride she ride she ride me like a porn star!" Jussie blasts out singing Porn Star by August Alsina.

What is wrong with this nigga?

The old me would of got out this car to chase her down but the new me is in a wheel chair doing nothing.

"You fuck with my best friend you fuck with me Terrence Howard so fuck you." Jussie gets out the car chasing the messy bitch down leaving me behind.

These meds are one hell of a drug but fuck that bitch...

Meanwhile Taraji POV-

I hate him!!! I want a divorce right now I've visit his ass for the past 3 months and he do me like this well fuck him and fuck life period my nigga!

He fucking sleeps with Mira and not me but I was the main one feening for the dick like what the fuck!

"Momma Tee wait up!" Jussie stops in his tracks after chasing me down.

Deeper Than Oceans-Taraji P. Howardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें