Day & Night

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The past few days have been amazing, I've been hanging out with my family around la, showing them all the sights and taking them around Warner Brothers Studios where I was shooting. Of course we got followed and I hated it so much since my sister was only young. Everywhere we went me, Demi or my dad would carry my sister hiding her head in our neck, of course when we were hanging outside in places we tried to keep her blocked. I hated how they thought they had a right to my family, I became more cooperative hoping that they would leave my family alone but some just went for them more. Even when my parents would go out when I wasn't there paps would follow them. It made hanging out more difficult and it sucked considering I don't see them much, I just couldn't take it. 

One night we were leaving the bowling alley and my sister was walking between us all when a pap tried walking up to her and I flipped, Demi picked up my sister and started walking fast to the car, meanwhile I couldn't help myself 

"get the fuck away from my sister she's 5 years old" I said getting in his face "don't come after my family, leave them out of it. They have nothing to do with your job so just back off. And never ever go after any kid, especially not my sister. Back off from my family ok, I've tried to cooperate for you guys but that, that's way too fucking far." 

I finished, I had pushed him back and security from the bowling alley made him leave. I started to walk back to my family seeing Demi in her car with my sister, I was so grateful for this woman. My family were all still walking back to their car, they were going pretty slow to stick around me, I guess to see if I needed backup if anything went wrong. I ran over to them and my brother grabbed me blocking me from the cameras

"I'm sorry you had to see that but I couldn't take it anymore" I told them as we walked back and my parents both hugged me from the side as we walked

"did Amelia see any of that?" I questioned hoping she didn't. 

"Demi grabbed her and bolted pretty quickly so I don't think so" my dad replied

"ok cool I hope she didn't" I felt guilty but I really shouldn't. 

"I'm proud of you baby, you could have just let it slide but you stood up for her, and kids everywhere really" my mum said as we got to the car and I smiled thanking her

"I'll drive Amelia back to my place, we can all hang out?" I asked "or I can have the kids if you guys wanna do anything?" I continued 

"oh that sounds like a plan" my parents said in sync. 

I said goodbye to my parents as Demi opened the door between our two cars, her and Amelia came out to say bye also. 

"I can have them all day just text me and I can drop them off or you can come pick them up" I said as they got in the car

"I'll let you know, drive safe love you all", they both shouted over 

"love you too" we all replied

James was in the back with Amelia and fastened her seatbelt and I jumped in the passengers seat still too mad from what just happened to concentrate properly. 

As we got home Demi took J and Amelia out the back while I cleaned up a bit to calm myself down, Linds called about the incident and said that my security guard Brad had to go everywhere with us now but I just didn't want that. I wanted to be normal around my family, not have a damn bodyguard with us. I hung up and walked over to my patio doors, they were all playing basketball and it was so cute, my heart was literally melting. Amelia was on J's shoulders as he held her up to get a basket and I quickly got a photo

 Amelia was on J's shoulders as he held her up to get a basket and I quickly got a photo

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