The Ice Man

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Hi, everyone! Just a quick question before the oneshot starts. Are you all still enjoying the things I write and are you still interested in a second book? I have been doubting myself and the things I write for you even more lately and I have the feeling that my writing is just getting worse. Sorry for bothering you all with my insecurities again but thank you for listening ♥

Requested by Pert0697


''Mycroft,'' You called, ''I'm back!'' A big smile spread on your face as you entered the kitchen and saw him sitting at the counter, a cup of coffee in his hands as he flipped through some documents. You greeted him by pressing a kiss on his cheek before grabbing yourself some coffee. ''How was your day? You wondered. 

''Busy, as always. Nothing special and nothing that concerns you,'' He answered. 

You rolled your eyes, used to his cold behaviour by now. For months, you had been trying to break down that tough barrier he had built around himself over the years. There were moments when Mycroft dared to show some love and appreciation but he always closed himself off as soon as he found himself becoming too vulnerable. 

You loved seeing the gentle side of him but he was determined to keep up this façade of being untouchable. No one could get to him, he didn't care, he had no emotions. Those things radiated from his blank expression wherever he went. However, all of those statements were very untrue and you knew it.

If he truly was the emotionless Ice Man he claimed to be, why would he have initiated a relationship with you several months ago? If there really was nothing inside of him, he would have never asked you on a date and kissed you shortly after. 

Mycroft was capable of love and any other emotion, he was just afraid to show it. But you wanted him to feel comfortable in doing so. You yearned to get to know the more emotional side of him. You felt like you didn't fully know him yet because he was such a closed person. It saddened you and it made you feel inferior, like he didn't trust you enough to show his true colours. 

It also seemed a little unfair in your mind. He knew nearly everything about you, he had seen you at your most vulnerable and your most collected moments. You didn't like coming across as weak, especially not in front of a man who was so against showing emotions, but when you did let yourself go a little and dared to be open in front of him, the gentle side of Mycroft came floating to the surface.

His eyes would be so soft when looking at you and his face would be full of concern. He'd treat you like you were made of porcelain in those moments. That's how you knew Mycroft did care about you. In moments of doubt, you'd simply remember times like that and you'd feel better. 

He truly did love and care for you, he was just afraid of breaking his ways. He had distanced himself from emotions for so long, it was hard to let go of that steadiness in his life. 

You had taken it upon yourself to help ease him out of that tradition. He hadn't been particularly keen on your attempts but he kept quiet about it and didn't confront you, only when he was truly uncomfortable. So far, you had tried different approaches to the 'problem'. 

Whenever Mycroft would act coldly towards you or be insensitive, you'd try to get him to loosen up a little. You tried seriously talking to him about it, showing him what it was like by imitating him and tonnes of other ways. 

Yet, nothing seemed to work. You were ready to get through to him in a different way this time; humour.

''I was just interested in what you were doing, Honey,'' you stated, taking a sip of your coffee. 

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