Chapter Twenty One: The Lost Duo

Start from the beginning

"Peeta, calm down" I whisper almost desperately, squeezing his hand with reassurance. "You hurt Johanna... Calm down - Peeta, no... Peeta, NO!" Peeta released his grip on my hand, going straight for my throat. Before I can even fight back, his fingers are securely wrapped around my neck, seizing the air away from me. With his strength, Peeta knocks Grayson off of his body and collapses on top of me, strangling me tighter then ever. His eyes have that menacing glint that I always feared of ever since the Capitol hijacked him. Mustering my own strength, I wrapped my legs around his torso, flipping us over, his hand refusing to release my throat. Grayson scurries over to us, attempting to yank his hands away from me. A few feet away from us, Gale is pinning a riled up Johanna, now having no choice but to scream in her face. It's the only to get her to listen. 

"I SAID CALM DOWN!" I hear Gale growl, Johanna's sequels and screams interrupting him. Grayson leaps onto Peeta's other side, wrenching him off of me by the waist, only he wouldn't budge. Everything around me began to blur, the surrounding tree's and sunsetting sky disappearing into a land of oblivion. It feels as if the world around me is shrinking until anything and everything in it disappears, leaving me alone in the never ending darkness. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Prim,  come on, trust me" I insisted, holding onto her hand in a tight grip. The sky was just opening into a sunrise, the woods standing before us coming to life. Birds whistled freely to the enjoyment of a new day, the breeze swaying the tree tops, forcing them to shed their dying leaves. Fall was approaching, which meant my game would decrease. During these times, I'd have to stock up on meat, grains and plants. I had no choice.. I was the one putting the bread on the table. I was the adult.. The only person to raise Prim at such a young age. "I'm afraid" she whispered, binding her fingers with mine. She was still just a child, I didn't blame her for being frightened.  "There's nothing to be afraid of... It's just the woods" I reassured her, casting a small smile. Prim gazed up at me, her golden hair cascading perfectly in place down her back, her blue eyes glistening in the welcoming sun. She was naturally beautiful... She had my mothers features. Everything from her hair to her eyes was inherited by my mothers old beauty. 

My father had died only two years ago, but it felt like yesterday he was bringing me out into the woods to our favorite place... The times when my mother was up and running, when Prim was filled with light and life, and when I was actually happy. Ever since his accident, we were forced to fend for ourselves. Teaching Prim to hunt would be better for the both of us. She shot me a timid smile and nodded once as I helped her step through the wired fence that divided us from the wild. 

"Are we going to have to kill...?" Prim muttered, skipping along the out grown grass, trying to keep up with my large strides. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, swinging my bow over my free shoulder. 

"I mean... are we going to have to kill the animals?" 

I hesitated for a moment, not sure of what to say. Prim was always fond with animals, especially if they were wild. "Well... yeah. It's not that bad... all we need - " 

"I'm not doing it" Prim suddenly stopped in her tracks, releasing my hand, her features dropping. "We can't kill the animals, Katniss.This is there home." 

Sighing, I crouched down to her level. For a nine year old, she spoke like an adult. I caressed the hair away from her face gently, shaking my head slowly. "I know.. But we need the food, Prim. More animals will come.. They're miserable out here. We need to support ourselves." 

"But taking anothers life away isn't fair" she protested quietly. 

"I know.. I know.. I -" I suddenly paused in the middle of my sentence, smirking happily to myself as an idea ran through my mind. "How about this? Instead of hunting for meat, we hunt for herbs? Then we can sell them at The Hob and save up some money to buy you one of those fancy cakes.. Deal?"  

Prims face instantly lit up, her smile stretching across her face. "Deal!" she squeaked, clapping her hands together happily. This was the Prim I knew. My loving, whole hearted sister who cared for anything and everything. 

"Then let's get hunting" I snapped back up to my feet and grabbed her hand, lacing my fingers with hers before joining her as she skipped, chatting freely about her soon to come cake from the Mellark Family Bakery.. 

* * * * * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

"Why is she smiling?" a voice asks. 

"Maybe because she's dreaming?" another voice pitched in, sounding more deeper and raspy. 

"Shut up" the first voice snaps angrily. "I'm still pissed at you."

"I said I was - " 

"Save your breath" the voice growls, and soon enough, I hear footsteps leaving. My eyes flitter open, the first thing coming into view is the sun. Slowly and carefully, I prop myself on my elbows, my breathing hitching a bit. My mind still feels foggy, and for some reason, I had the of blood in my mouth. I glance around, my eyes narrowing in confusion by my surroundings. Surrounding my body stood thousands of tall stalks of grain, all of them swaying freely through the breeze. At first, I close my eyes again, thinking I'm still dreaming.. But eventually, a hand touche mine. Instantly, I jump up by reflex, breathing heavily as I realized it's only Peeta. Peeta. 

"Calm down" he mutters, lightly pulling me down back to the floor. 

"Where is everyone? Where are we? What the hell happened?" I begin to panic, my eyes peering around in every direction. Nothing is making sense. I was just fighting with Peeta... and now, I'm in some terrain with wheat. "Weat..." I whisper, wrapping my fingers tightly around one of the stalks. "...Wheat... District nine!" I broke out into a yell, instead it came out more like a frog croak. District nine? District nine supplies weat and grain... So how the hell did I manage to get here? 

"Yeah.." Peeta breathes, rubbing the back of his neck. "We had to leave." 

"Why?" I stammer, furrowing my brows in confusion. "What happened?" 

"You blacked out..." Peeta begins timidly, avoiding my eye contact. "I'm sorry... I must of cut the air off from your lungs. When you screamed - " 

"I screamed?" I ask quickly, cutting off Peeta in mid-sentence.

He nods once, looking as if he is holding back a frown. "You screamed and the others in District 10 must of heard.. They must of also heard Gale and Johanna. They called a bunch of Peacekeepers... I didn't think they still existed, but they came.."

"Peacekeepers?" I whisper in disbelief, shaking my head slowly. After the rebellion, all Peacekeepers became extinct. We had regular police offers patrolling the districts from there on. Paylor must of ordered District two citizens to rebuilt the base camps and rehired the retired. 

"Peacekeepers" Peeta states firmly. "At first, we thought they were here to take you away but..." 

"No..." I murmur, scrambling back up to my feet, my features filling in with pain and outrage. "No no no no... they didn't!" 

"They did..." Peeta barely mutters, running his fingers through his hair, his blue eyes glued to the floor. "They locked Grayson and Gale up and took them back to District Two to become Avoxes.. Remember, they were on the run." 

All my words began to jumble up, making no sense to me or Peeta. I can't even think straight, that's how bad it is. They were taken by the Peacekeepers, shipped back off to District two, and possibly had no tongues. This whole plan to rebel against the rebellion was slowly crumbling into pieces. 

"This is all my fault" I hear Peeta grumble to himself as he buries his face into his hands. Eventually, after staring off into space of what might be happening to them right now, I speak up reassuringly, placing a hand on Peeta's shoulder. "No it isn't" I insist, rubbing his back gently. "We'll get them back.. We have to keep moving." Peeta remains quiet, inhaling and exhaling shaky breaths. I can't put the blame on him.. He wasn't himself when everything went down. 

"But they weren't just looking for them" Peeta speaks up, raising his head from out of his hands. His innocent cerulean gaze meeting mine, those precious eyes fogging up with worry and fear. "Paylor knows, Katniss" he states in a murmur. "She knows what we're up too."

"She's looking for you." 

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