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I walk in the dim halls to Ethan's room once more with James.

"Alright, here you are. I'll leave you in there by yourselves so you can get to know him, but I'll be out here if you need me" James pat my shoulder as he unlocked the door and stepped back.

I walked in very hesitantly and walked over to the little table in the corner and put some of my papers on it. Ethan's back was still to me, I decided to speak up.

"Hello Ethan"
His head snapped around, sort of smiling.

"Oh, hey Emma. Sorry I didn't know it was you, I was in such deep thought"

"What about..?" I ask slowly, not sure if I wanted to hear the answer.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell you..." he started to sound upset.

"So how old are you" I ask, changing the topic.

"Twenty-four. How bout you?"

"I'm twenty-three, haha" we kinda chuckled.

"So Emma, what do you like to do?"

"What do you mean??"

"You know, as a hobby. Or like something for fun in your free time"

"Oh, well, I'm really into painting and sketching. I have a whole art studio back at my house."

"Woah that's so cool! I'm into art as well, I have a whole book over there that I make sketches in" he points to a little note book on his bed.

"Did you like doing anything else before... you know...." I said quietly, playing with a loose thread on my jeans.

"It's okay, don't feel bad about the topic. But yeah, me and my twin brother were into so many sports. We were very outgoing and adventurous kids. We liked football, lacrosse, and wrestling. And for fun we would surf, snowboard, always skateboard, play soccer, ya know."

"Oh, you have a twin brother? Tell me about him" I say, trying to get him to open up a little more.

"Well his name is Grayson. He was my best friend.. he looks a lot like me. But it's easier to tell us apart by our hair and this little thing" he said pointing to a freckle on his cheek. "He has one on his chin"

I nodded my head, interested.
"Ethan, you said he was your best friend.. what happened?"

"Can I please talk about that later" he mumbled with his head hung low.

"Oh I'm really sorry I just-"

"No, it's fine. I understand. You want to get to know me, because we'll be here for a while together"

"Ethan, you're going to get better. It's going to be okay, you'll be out of this place soon"

"No I'm not Emma. I'm crazy. I try my best not to show my craziness around you because you.. ugh forget it."

"No, go on, please" I beg.

"I don't want you to leave like the other doctors." He said as his face had fallen.

"So they just gave up on you?"

"Yes. They did, and it sucked. They act friendly so they can grow on me so that way I wouldn't hurt them. But I guess I get too attached to people who are nice to me and treat me like a normal person would. Because I'm afraid of losing them too"

"Ethan, stop. I'm not going to give up on you, okay? I'm going to stay here until we get you figured out, and I know we will."

"We can only hope"

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