10. Moose

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S a m W i n c h e s t e r

You were Lucifer's little sister

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You were Lucifer's little sister. The archangel of knowledge and time. You didn't agree with your brothers fighting, they were your family and wouldn't bat an eyelash to slaughter one another.

They were the only thing you had, you would protect them with your life if you had to. That's why you had decided to take on the Winchesters by yourself, to end this war for once and for all.
Taking your holy bow and arrow you confronted the siblings.

The brothers were shocked to see the unspoken archangel defeat them with a single bow and arrow.
That's Sam's face when he realized he was doomed.

"Wait-you don't have to do this, it's not the only way..."

"That's where you are wrong, this is the only way I see"

"That's where you are wrong, this is the only way I see"

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Sam Winchester-Bubble Gum Bitch

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