twenty-one ; oh dear, how silly are you...

Start from the beginning

He smirked even more and kissed her hard. Only a few seconds passed before she kissed him back, cupping the back of his neck to draw him closer. She was kissing him back just as hard, gripping his hair. They broke apart and he grinned. "Don't be jealous. But I might have to get you angry more often."

She was confused, her head tilting to the side before she smiled once she realized she had spoken with her accent. "Whatever. Just if she tries anything—"

"I'll make sure to crush her heart."

Arabella smiled and pecked his lips. "Good." Her hands slowly went down his chest, making her chuckle slightly at the look on his face. Pan's eyes darkened and he kissed her once more before he gave her a wink, walking away to tell Wendy what she needed to do. The brunette turned around to watch him leave. She then brought her finger to her lips, smiling. She loved him more than words. And she was enjoying his confidence since it was an issue before. If only she knew what was going to happen soon.


Felix was still walking in the woods, Henry following after. He was reaching the location so he knew that it was time. There was a bag in his hands and once he turned the corner he dropped it, continuing on as if he didn't notice. He could hear Henry running for the bag but he kept walking because he wasn't meant to stick around.

So the Mills boy was alone in the jungle. He grabbed the bag and looked up to see a ladder. Then a cough followed, making his eyebrows furrow. Henry put the bag on his shoulders before approaching the means of entering the little tree house and climbing up it. Wendy laid in a small bed, feigning sickness as she coughed. The boy stopped at the foot of the bed, seeing her there. "Who are you?"

"You're not supposed to be here," Wendy told him quietly, knowing fairly well that Pan was listening from the balcony that was covered by a thin sheet hanging from the ceiling. She tried so hard not to just glance over.

Henry nodded. "I know. I thought Pan might be keeping my family here." Then he shook his head at the silly thought. "Why are you so far away from the camp?"

"I'm... I'm sick, and he's afraid someone might catch it," she lied, looking down at the blanket she was covered with. In a flash, Pan had fixed her clothes to be clean and her hair to be nice and neat. Because she had to be convincing in the fact that he had taken good care of her.

"Who are you?"

"My name's Wendy."

Henry's eyes widened "Wendy Darling?" She nodded and Henry sat on the bed, putting the bag on his lap. He shouldn't have expected anything else really. This was Neverland after all which meant Tinkerbell too but he hadn't met her yet. "I'm Henry. W... what's wrong?"

She looked away from him for a second, gathering her thoughts before speaking, looking back at him. "It's the island, Henry. Its power is fading. I've been here a long time, but... well... for some reason, it's affecting me more than the others." That's the best explanation she could ake up considering Pan had given her none. All he said was to convince the boy that the only way to save magic was to trust the immortal leader. "You look like him," she blurted suddenly.

"Like who?"

"Your father."

Pan was smirking on the other side of the sheet. Wendy continued with her act, practically feeling it being seared into her brain. Henry was surprised, his mouth open a bit before he replied, "You knew my father?"

The memories of Baelfire sacrificing himself for the Darling siblings was one she'd never forget. "We were friends." She smiled a bit before it fell. "A long time ago, when he was just a little bit older than you. He saved my brothers from danger. He would do anything for my family." She forced another cough, seeing that he was convinced.

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