Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to David Tennant - Tenth Doctor

"You!" they shouted simultaneously.

"Have you two met before?" asked the fourth Doctor.

"Yeah." said the Doctor with the floppy brown hair, who eyes were bulbous with shock, fascination, and excitement.

"But we'll forget about that now, shall we." said the Doctor with the cricketing outfit, slightly smirking, slightly grimacing. "Are you all, well, me?"

"Yes." They all chimed.

"Wow. All of me in the same room at the same time. That's brilliant. But also potentially dangerous. As in rip a tear in the universe dangerous."

"What!?" Zoe exclaimed.

"Yeah, did none of me mention that?"

"They might have done. But if they did, it wasn't said in a way that actually stated exactly how dangerous it would be." She shot a glare at the eighth Doctor, who gave a little shrug, looking like he didn't really care. "Anyway, which Doctor are you?"

"Which Doctor? I'm the tenth, I suppose."

"And I'm the fifth."

"Okay, so I understand how you got here, now let me think. We should call you ... Sandshoes."

"They are not sandshoes."

"Yeah they are."




"Anyway! I know how you got here, Sandshoes," the tenth Doctor gave a little groan. "but I don't understand why you're here, err, Celery."

"Ah, you noticed."

"Yeah, not many people can pull off a decorative vegetable." said the tenth Doctor.

"And I don't think he's one of them." muttered the ninth. The fifth Doctor shot him a glare, before turning back to Zoe.

"So, Celery, what was your reason for coming? Did you pick up the phone signal readings too?"

"No. I was tracking him." He looked over at the tenth Doctor. "Tardis couldn't pick up the ship's reading properly, probably because it was the Tardis, which has some rather handy defence mechanisms. I thought it might be some kind of extra terrestrial invasion, of some form or another."

"Yeah, moving on, what exactly is this phone signal, thing?" asked the tenth Doctor.

"Here, it's probably, updated now." She showed the phone to the tenth and fifth Doctor, and pressed the dial button. This time, the image was a lot clearer. The face had changed from smiling to a slightly evil grin. The dress now looked like some kind of robe. It looked a little as if it were stone too. Hands were cupped so that they were just hovering above the mouth, as if the person had been pulled away from having their head in their hands. And the triangles had formed simple wings.

"No." whispered the tenth Doctor.

"What? What is it?" the fourth Doctor came over to look, and seemed puzzled by why the tenth Doctor was so scared. "It looks like an angel to me." he said.


"If it wasn't for the grin, I would have said it had just been weeping." said the fifth Doctor.

"What, so it's some kind of, weeping angel, then?"

"That's exactly what it is. A Weeping Angel. I've only fought them once before, but they are deadly, trust me."

"Why, what do they do? Kill you?" Zoe inquired.

"Sort of. They send you back in time, let you live till your natural death. And feed off the time energy of the life you would have lived."

Zoe and the 11 Doctors  - The Image of an AngelWhere stories live. Discover now