"It wasn't as I expected." Charlotte answered. She didn't want to tell her friends what had happened. What had happened last night wasn't something that she was proud of, she felt like she had been played, that Sirius just had led her on and she had believed it was something more between them.

"What happened?" Lily asked and you could see the excitement bubbling inside her.

Charlotte ran her hand through her hair. What should she tell them? She knew that the truth would come out sooner or later, but right now she didn't have the energy to tell her what had happened.

"Nothing special actually, I went for a walk around the castle and then to bed." Charlotte lied and shrugged her shoulders.

"Thats all?" She could feel the excitement leaving Lily as the moment went by.

Charlotte stood up from the bed as she thought about what she should tell Lily. Her dress from last night was laying in a pile next to the her bed. So before she answered she turned her back to Lily to put her dress away.

"I may have run in to someone on my way back. We talked for a while and just before I left to go back to the common room, he kissed me." Charlotte was happy that Lily couldn't see the big smirk that had its place on her lips as she told her friend this. It wasn't hard for Charlotte to know that they would think she was talking about Sirius, but she didn't care.

"You have to tell me everything." Lily said and squealed, praying that she was talking about Sirius.

Charlotte turned to her friend and smiled. The smile on her face could have been fake, but this time it wasn't, which after everything that had happened was a surprise to Charlotte.

"It's nothing special. After I left you at the party I walked around the castle for a little while before I met him. We talked for a while and got to know each other, something I never thought would happen. He kissed me before we parted ways and I went back to the common room."

Lily listened to what her friend was telling her. She hoped that she was talking about Sirius, but when she heard what Charlotte told her she knew she wasn't. It was someone else she had met up with last night, someone form what she had gathered was in a different house.

"Who was it?" Lily asked, trying to sound as excited as she had been doing before she figured this out.

"I'll tell you later. It's a secret for now." Charlotte smirked at her friend and Lily gave her a small smile. She new she had to talk to James about this.

"Okay, but promise you'll tell me everything?"


"Good. I have to talk to James but I'll see you at breakfast." Charlotte nodded to her friend agreeing to meeting up at breakfast before she left for the bathroom to start getting ready.

Lily almost ran down to the common room looking for her boyfriend to ask him about what had happened. Her red hair was flying around her head and her eyes were opened wide.

It didn't take her long to find James sitting next to the fire talking to Remus.

"James I need to talk to you." Lily said and he could tell it was something important. At first his blood ran cold, was it something he had done? Did she want to break up? Didn't she love him anymore?

All does thoughts ran though his head when he nodded and followed her out of the common room and to a place where they could talk in private.

"What did you want to talk about?" James asked, still worried about what his girlfriend would tell him. It wasn't hard to see that it was something that was important to Lily.

"Did you know what happened last night?" Lily asked.

"About what?"

"With Lottie, and Sirius?"

"What happened with them?" James asked feeling the protectiveness coming forward again. Had Sirius done something to hurt her?

"It seems that nothing happened, between them at least."

"What do you mean?"

"It seems as they never met up after Lottie left the party. But Lottie met someone else, as they talked and then kissed. But she wont tell me who. But from what she told me it seems as he isn't in gryffindor."

This made James frown. Something had happened between Sirius and Charlotte last night, it had to. He knew that Charlotte wouldn't leave him to be with someone else just like that. Sirius cared so much for the girl and James was scared that his friend was going to get hurt.

"I have to talk to Lottie." James said and left a confused Lily standing alone in the deserted corridor. 

2068 words 

a/n: I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads and votes! I really hope that you like this story. It means a lot! - N

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