Chapter One (Rewritten)

Start from the beginning

"Come-on, I won't bite." His voice was deep and silky, though you were certain the tone was accidentally sounding a bit flirtatious.

Rolling your eyes wordlessly, you stepped closer and took the offered blackened hand, which yanked you up the distance to the same block the red-eyed man stood on. You were uncomfortably close together, torsos almost touching as your breaths mixed together and splashed against the other's face. You stepped back as soon as the man released your hand, mumbling a soft thanks while you regained your personal space.

You could've sworn you saw the flash of a smirk cross his face, followed by a quick question to disguise his own facial expressions, "Who might you be?"

"(Y/N)." You answered simply. No reason to give him your full name, or a fake one. After all, this is apparently Minecraft.

"(Y/N)." The man repeated, allowing the letters and syllables to roll lazily off his tongue.

You had to admit, you kinda liked it when he said your name. It was soft and tender and careful, but also stiff and firm.

Raising an eyebrow, you interrupted his thoughts, "And yours?"

He paused and stumbled over his words quite a bit, which greatly surprised you. "Enti-- Call me... James."

The little cutoff caused your head to tilt to the side, not a lot, but enough for your confusion to be evident. "James?" You repeated as well, letting the S stretch a little longer than was necessary.
Though he would never reveal it, the hacker, James, enjoyed watching you play with the letters.

Within a matter of moments, the once blue and inviting sky had turned a deep shade of grey, announcing the hauntingly close night. You both glanced upward to see this change, though it takes you longer to figure out what it meant.

"Almost night," James started, looking back at your (E/C) eyes and stating the painfully obvious, "Do you have somewhere near here to go?"

Since you had literally just woken up, been laughed at by some green dude, and watched that dude get slaughtered by the man in front of you; no. You did not have a shelter.

"I see." He said, as if you'd spoken words. He'd probably just assumed your silence meant no.

"Well, why don't you stay with me for the night?" James paused, watching your face grow skeptical. He had just murdered someone a few moments ago, but he also got you out of the ravine. "I'll include breakfast." He continued, smiling cheekily.

A short laugh escaped your mouth and your lips curved upwards on a smile. "Sure." Who could say no to free food?

He smile became a little more natural as his black hand brushed your (S/C) one, "Then let's go." He proclaimed and started off in one direction.
With a little skip in your step, you followed through the trees and grassy fields that occasionally poked through the seemingly never ending forest. James would look back at you every once in a while, his smile faded to a straight, pressed line and his reddened eyes shone with confusion. Your eyes would narrow when he did this, moreso in wondering and worry than to warn him off.

After a good while of walking, and a little stumbling on your part, you came upon a large hilly mountain range. Atop one of the lower hills sat a small oak wood and quartz house, shaped into an L. James started to hike up the hill, leading you to believe this was his house. An idea popped into your head and a smirk manifested on your face.

In an instant, you were racing up the hillside, parkouring up the steep parts, and leaving James far in the dust. When you looked back at him, one eyebrow was raised, and it was kindof cute in the puppy-who-doesn't-understand kind of way.
A small giggle escaped your mouth and a faint blush appeared on your (S/C) cheeks as you kept on running, shouting a quick, "I'm beating you!" down at the white-clad hacker far behind you. His eyes widened in understanding at your words before his own malicious smirk appeared and he teleported beside you, starting from a block slightly lower than the one you were on. About halfway up the hill now, you pushed yourself to go faster, feeling you were destined to win. A couple minutes later, you looked around for James and saw no one. Confident that he was behind you, you bounded to the top and stopped at the highest block on the manually flattened top of the hill. Again you looked for him, (E/C) eyes scanning the blocks and steep bits for any side of the red-eyed hacker.

"James?" You called out, panting and trying to gain your breath back.
There was no response from anywhere, until your felt hot, deep breaths on your neck. Then a husky voice whispered in your ear, "Beat you, (Y/N)."

Another blush covered your cheeks, contrasting against your (H/C) hair and making you acutely aware of how close he was to you. Standing on the edge of a block, James' body could be felt radiating heat into your back. The hill was tall, and you had both worked up a bit of a sweat, even in the cold nighttime air. Speaking of which, the zombies and skeletons were beginning to spawn.

"W-we should go inside." You stuttered, having gained the needed excuse to get some space from the hacker.
He gave a curt nod and stepped back, turning and walking to the door in smooth, steady strides dispite the climb you both had just taken on. Slower and more out of breath, you follow him through the oak doors and into the house.
The main area of the house is split in two. On the right side is a quaint little kitchen, filled with food chests and furnaces. To the left is a three-seated couch facing a fire place. The fire was lit, with crisp, cracking netherrack beneath it. It lit up that side of the room while glowstone lit both the hallways and the quartz-tiled kitchen. Where the kitchen met the hallways, there was a wall of oak with a single oak door leading into the other, smaller half of the wall. That, you assumed, was the bedroom.
James kicked away a piece of cobblestone that was lying on the ground, the one bit of trash in a sea of clean perfectionism.

"You can have my bed, (Y/N). I'll sleep on the couch." His smooth voice cut through your thoughts though it jarred your further.

"What? No!" You protested, having lost the initial studder in your voice.

He placed a hand on your shoulder, making you feel quite small and helpless, "You're my guest. Please don't refuse my hospitality."

The words seemed to have some sort of underlying threat to them, so you just nodded.

"Great. Thank you." He pointed you toward the bedroom and you reluctantly walked over to it, going through the door and plopping yourself on the bed's shiny crimson sheets.
There was a little scratching noise, presumably James settling onto his couch. A twinge of regret felt like a flick against your skin. It didn't hurt, but it was still there.

Slowly but surely, the dull throbbing of your more than confused heart slowed alongside your heavy breathing and you drifted into a dreamless sleep despite how insane and radical today's latter events had been.


Dark here, your friendly neighborhood psychopath! I have to say, this new chapter is a definite improvement. I really haven't updated in a while, but school has started and this new chapter is twice the length of my others. I hope you enjoyed, don't forget to crack your screen pressing that vote button (or break your mouse). It only helps me as an author.
Best wishes,

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