Finding the Culprit

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"My hair! My beautiful hair!" Aquarius pouted.

"My hair too!" Gemini whined.

"Gem, why aren't you with Leo and Libra?" Taurus asked.

"They won't let me in." Gemini pouted.

"Why?" Taurus inquired.

"I know!" Sagittarius smirked.

"Why?" Gemini asked.

"Can't say." Sagittarius grinned.



Leo and Libra were viciously trying to scrub the marker off the walls. They had only gotten off half of it. Half of one wall still read 'LEO LOVES LIBRA' and half of the other said 'LIBRA LOVES GEMINI' with the occasional 'SUCK IT LEO.'

"Oh man. What are we gonna do?" Libra panicked, still scrubbing.

"I dunno. Your walls a bigger problem than mine."  Leo shrugged, still scrubbing.

"What if Mini sees this?" Libra asked.

"How should I know?" Leo laughs. "And why do you call her Mini? You know she hates it."

"I know. But it suits her. And you and me are the only ones who call her it. It's special." Libra explained.

"And she's really short." Leo reminded, making them both laugh.

"Hey, losers, open up!" A girls voice sounded.

"No. Way." Libra clenched his jaw.

"Now. It's Aries. Now open or I'll spill." Aries commanded.

Libra opened up the door to find Aries standing there with her hand on her hip. She smiled and walked in as Libra hurriedly closed the door behind her.

"Aries? What?" Leo asked.

"I just wanted to see what the culprit did to you." She shrugged. "Who wrote 'Suck it Leo'?"

"How should we know?!" Leo asked.

"And what about 'Libra Loves Gemini?'" Aries inquired, crossing her arms.

"We haven't figured out who did it!" Libra threw his arms in the air in exasperation.

"Is it true?" Aries smirked, going up too him.

Aries backed Libra up into the wall. She stood at 6 feet, the second tallest of the female zodiacs. She looked down at the poor boy. He looked past Aries, at Leo, who only shrugged and smirked.

"Well, um, what?" Libra stuttered.

"Do you like Gemini?" Aries rolled her eyes.

"Of course! She's my best friend!" Libra smiled, obviously dodging the question.

"Let me rephrase. Do you have a crush on Gemini?" Aries smugly replied. "And don't lie. If you tell the truth I'll tell you who did this."

Leo nodded at Libra as if to say: Well? Tell her!

"Yeah... I do..." Libra looked at his feet.

"Cool. Your secret is safe with me." Aries backed up and went to the door. "Also, I did it with Scorpio."

"What?" Libra asked, mortified.

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