Jet x Reader

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Requested by: Dayelight


Jet x Reader

Y/N - Your Name

E/C - Eye Color

"Um... what are you doing?" You asked the boy crouching outside the captain's quarters. The boy jumped, obviously surprised you were there.

"Do you see all of this food? The captain is eating like a pig in there!" Your E/C eyes widened and you crouched beside the boy to see for yourself. He was right. An entire spread was laid out for the captain and some of his men! Your mouth watered as you stared longingly at a custard tart on the table. Spirits that looked good! You absentmindedly rubbed your empty stomach, forgetting the boy next to you. "Why should he eat like a king while we get his table scraps?" His voice brought you back to reality, causing you to flinch.

"Yeah, your right. There are so many men, women, and children that have to eat. They deserve some too." You agreed. The boy grabbed your shoulder, turning you to face him.

"Then, lets take some." He proposed. "We could hand out all of the food equally." It was risky, but you were sure somehow he could pull it off.

"Your right."

"Then, will you help?" He asked excitedly. Wait, help? Sure you could sneak around, but stealing wasn't really your forte. You quickly shook your head.

"No. I wouldn't be of much help." He nodded, looking slightly disappointed. "However... If you do get the food, I can help you distribute it."

"Alright, you've got yourself a deal." He smirked at you and ran off into the dark.

--Time Jump--

Two days later, you saw the boy again. This time, he was grinning ear-to-ear. You could smell the strong spices as he came closer. He actually did it!

"Hey, it's you! Haven't seen you for a while." You smiled at him.

"Admit it, you were worried about me." He teased. Your heart jumped into your throat.

"What? No!" You crossed your arms and avoided eye contact.

"Aw, come on. If you admit it, I'll tell you if I was able to get the food." He continued, wrapping an arm around your waist.

"You know, I can smell the food." He fake pouted in response.

"Well, I still have a surprise." He pulled out a small tin and handed it to you. You took a couple steps away and carefully opened it.

"The custard tart!" You smiled gratefully and practically shoved the whole thing in your mouth. It was palm-size, so you managed to get most of it in one bite. Once it was finished, you slowly turned back to the boy, wiping your slender fingers against your tunic. "T-thank you." You stuttered, suddenly shy.

"Heh. You're welcome." He replied, after a pause. "Well, anyway, are you coming?"

"Coming?" You asked, still holding the empty tin.

"Well, you said that you would help distribute the food if I'd gotten it. Are you still going to help?"

"Oh! Yes, of course." You paused, realizing for the first time that you didn't know the boy's name. "Um... I'm sorry I didn't ask earlier, but what's your name?" The boy smirked at you, like he'd been waiting for you to ask that question. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a long blade of grass and put the end in the corner of his mouth. How long has that been there?

"The name's Jet. It's nice to meet you..." He nodded to you.

"Y/N." You filled in the blank.

"Well then, I see you again in Ba Sing Se, Y/N."

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