Cared For

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Suga and I were now on good terms at the least, but I hardly spoke with him after that. I only talked to him when we were alone, why is that? I'm so afraid of others listening to me, it's ridiculous. I sighed. I haven't really spent time with Hoseok lately either, he's been working hard. Jin talks to me and tries to make conversation but I barely say anything. I mostly nod or 'Mmhmm' and 'mmm-mmm'. He's such a nice guy too, like a big brother. Myoko mostly spent her time outside she didn't really like being inside, so if play with her in the backyard until she was tired out. I cleaned, cooked, did laundry..pretty much everything a wife did I'd do. It's kinda like 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' except these dwarfs weren't dwarfs they were tall and really handsome. All 7 of them. Myoko pretty much summed up all the animals in the story and well, I hardly sing...unless I'm cleaning. The evil ones are the people from the orphanage and so on. Talk about a fairy tale life, except I have no clue who my Prince Charming is. I sighed. Well, Hoseok did save me so wouldn't he be the Prince? Hmm. I don't know. We aren't on romantic terms, I gasped and my eyes widened. Why am I thinking this?! No! Absolutely not!

"Hey Raine. I'm home"

I jumped up a little feeling startled.

He chuckled. "You okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I caught me off guard is all. Heh. You're home extremely early." I said.

"Yeah, there wasn't much to do at the office today and I also have the next two days off. So I was thinking, maybe you'd wanna go out somewhere. You've been cooped up ever since you got here and you pretty much do all the chores." He smiled.

Does he mean like a date? (*゚ロ゚)

"Uhh, yeah sure" I said, I felt like I was blushing.

He looked at me. "You sure you're okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Mhmm."

It feels like I haven't seen him in ages. Seeing him again kinda makes my heart flutter.

"Say Raine"

"Yes?" I smiled.

"I think something's burning.." He pointed at the pan.

"Gah! The dumplings!"

I quickly removed the pan from the stove. They're ash black! Σ(O_O;)

He chuckled. "Aw, it's alright. I'll cook tonight, go rest or something"

"I'm sorry" I looked at him.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?" He looked at me.

"I ruined dinner." I sighed. "Please, let me fix it. You work so hard and I hardly get to ever see you, you barely rest and sleep. Please, go relax. I'll take care of it"

His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed pink. "Uh...well...I'll just go shower then"

He chuckled awkwardly and walked away.

What was that all about? Hmm, on well. Time to fix this mess. What to make? What to make? Hmm. Let's see...I guess I could make a traditional dinner. Yeah. That should be good and Hoseok seems to really like kimchi. Yeah, I'll do that.


"Wow Raine. You've really out done yourself, this looks great!" Jin smiled.

Jimin: Mm! It tastes SO good!

Jungkook: Thank you so much! I love it.

V: Hurry and eat before it's all gone~

RM: We haven't eaten like this in a LONG time.

Suga: Hoseok's ex girlfriend used to cook before you came along.

The Only Exception (J-HOPE) + Sequel (Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now