Chapter 5

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Again, sorry for not being very active on here. I'm known for being bad at commitments and honestly, I don't have that much motivation to write this story. I've kinda moved on and into a new phase of my life. Sorry! I'll still try to update but don't expect a long story.


"What time do you need to be home by?" she asks me as we sit down in a small cafe.

"Well, considering I would like to shower before dinner, probably around 5?" Wait a second, is she asking me this because she'd like to get rid of me? "But I mean, if you need to leave earlier I can totally walk home."

"Something you should know about me is that my social life basically consists of hanging out with my dog in my apartment, so no, I don't need to leave earlier. I'll walk you home." She gives me a little smirk before looking down at the menu. I do the same.

While waiting for our lunch to arrive, we decide to start people watching.

"Her. With the bag." She points at a tall business woman on the corner.

"Excuse me! Get out of my way! I am more powerful than all of you peasants!" I begin mocking her, in a powerful, deep voice.

Natasha starts laughing. "I may be cheating on my husband but that's alright because I can do whatever I want!"

I'm laughing so hard I start slapping my leg subconsciously. Get it together Elise. You're embarrassing. 

"What about me?" she says, pointing at her chest and smiling.

"...What about you?" I'm confused.

"Tell me what I'm thinking."

Oh my god, how do I answer this? "...Um, well..." I feel my hands start sweating. Ok Elise, time for some comedic relief. "Oh my god, waitress! Please get me out of here! I'm on an awful date with a very strange creature! I want to go home to my dog!"

"So this is a date then?"


"I mean... It is if you want it t-"

"Elise, I'm kidding. Call me twisted, but I like making you nervous." She smiles at me. "And just to clarify, this is a date."

Our food comes, and we slowly devour it, while saying fun facts about ourselves. We finish up, and she pays the bill.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Well of course I did. Considering I'm trying to make you fall for me it'd be stupid to leave you with the bill."

"Well thank you very much." I feel myself blushing.

Once we step out of the cafe she turns to me and says "I know it's early, but I'm going to start walking you home. I figure we could go examine any cool places we find on the way."

"Sounds good!"

As she begins walking, she extends her arm out towards me and looks back at her hand. Confidently, I place my hand in hers, and catch up to her side. Her hand feels so nice in mine. I could get used to this... I feel her readjust her grip so that our fingers are now intertwined. I find myself at a loss for words.

The walk is quiet, but peaceful. We stop into a few random shops here and there, without actually buying anything. I like this neighbourhood a lot. We finally get back to my apartment.

"I guess this is it," she says, facing me. She grabs both of my hands.

"For now," I reply. 

"I really enjoy spending time with you."

"Me too."

"Call me, alright?"

"Of course."

As I'm about to turn around to enter my apartment, she pulls my hands, bringing me close to her. Like, really close. Our bodies are up against one another, our faces just centimetres apart. Her stare moves from my eyes, to my lips, back to my eyes.

"Are you going to make a move or am I going to have to be the one to do it," she jokingly says to me.

This is my chance. Elise, don't fuck up.

Well, I fucked up.

I lean in to kiss her, but our noses get in the way, and I don't actually end up meeting her lips. She laughs, and tilts her head more so she can reach me. Our lips connect. Words cannot describe how magical the feeling is. My stomach fills with butterflies and my hands begin to shake out of excitement. 

We pull away and smile. She begins walking away. I look down at my phone. It's only 3:15. 

"Natasha!" I yell. 

She turns around and looks at me, confused.

"Want to stay for a little while?" I'm pushing it.

"Yeah, sure," she says, walking up to meet me at my apartment doors.

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