[ 10:32 pm, 12/06/16 ]
i-i know you proably don't care, but do you know what takes me to the brink of crying everytime i think of it?
i won't play a stupid guessing game with you. especially because there is an abundant amount of things and will make me cry, and most of them are about you.
but anyway. it's always the first time you showed me how to wash your hair. i still to this day have cannot fathom why that little thing, always pulls a heartstring. without fail.
you made it known to me how important your hair was to you, and to your culture, and i'm glad you took the time to explain it to me. you told me that it was a taboo for you ー and those like you ー to wash your hair everyday, like others do. something about it actually doing more damage than keeping it clean.
well, as you know, i never knew that. before i fell in love with you i didn't even really care, so i never took the time to educate myself about it.
but the first time you let me wash your hair ー and you know that took quite awhile ー i was so very amazed at the wondrous things your hair could do. it would go from braids, to a mass amount of curls onto your head, and to me, it just showed how different you were, and how you showed who you were through the styles you wore. i loved it. so much.
i myself am almost crying again by just telling you this, so this is where i'll shut up. i'm sorry if i interrupted anything by you listening to this. i didn't mean to.
i love you. goodnight.
play again?

Fanfictionhe fights for a love left bruised. a kim namjoon fic. © happypjm ( 2017 )