Chapter Five-Peter-Breathe

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PICTURE OF PETER----------------->>>

FREAKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter Five-Peter-Breathe


“Time to get up.” A voice said cheerily, and I felt something shake my shoulder. I just moaned and turned onto my other side, trying to hold on to the amazing dream I was having.

“Come on, Dad, you need to get up.” The voice commanded, shaking me even more. I growled and tried batting the hand away.

“Go away, let me sleep.” Let me finish my dream, I mentally added. I was dreaming about her, about Kaytee. My Kaytee, how I missed her. I wasn't allowed to be with in a ten mile diameter of her for twenty-four hours, and it was killing me. We haven't been apart for that long in years. And if the only way I could see her was in a dream, then so be it.

“Dad, you've slept for twelve hours now. You don't need any more.” Sammy sighed, shaking me once more, and I growled at him, still trying to hang onto the remnants of my dream, but I was already forgetting it.

“Shut up, Sam, I'm dreaming about your mother, go away.” I said hissed groggily into the pillow, hoping I'd just be able to have another dream about her if I tried.

“First of all: Ew. Second of all: the sooner you get up, the sooner you're ready, and then the sooner you actually get to see her in person.” he coaxed and I jumped out of the bed, landing firmly in the center of the room.

“Well why didn't you say that in the first place?” I smirked at him, and he rolled his eyes, standing up from the bed, waving someone over from behind me. I turned and saw about seven male fairies fly into the room carrying long vines that looked identical to the clothes I was wearing now.

Oh good, you're awake. Perfect timing, thank you Sammy.” the fairy in the lead praised, his little hands clapping happily. He then turned to me and appraised me from head to toe.

Hello, Peter, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, my name is Annic, but you may just call me 'Nic' for short.” he said with a nod and I smiled, but glanced back over to the greenery they placed onto the bed.

“What's that?” I asked, gesturing to the clothes with a jerk of my head. He turned and saw what I meant, a proud smile stretching onto his pixie face.

That is your tux, designed by yours truly.” he said smugly. “I'm your clothes designer for the wedding, I even helped with your fiance's dress.” he sighed, flying over to the garments and picking it up with some help from the other fairies. They draped it over body, slipping my arms through. My brows crinkled in confusion. Isn't it supposed to be black? And not so...bulky?

I was about to open my mouth to ask when they fairies started zooming around my body in tight circles, covering the vines in a special white dust. I felt the plants stretch and tighten, fitting itself to my body, growing and shrinking in some places, widening and elongating in others. The color went from green, to pine, to a dark grey and then morphed into jet black solid fabric.

The leaves near the color shifted and darkened into a perfect bow-tie, the fabric underneath it transformed into a crisp white undershirt with pearl buttons lining down to my navel. Gold cuff-links with a peculiar design formed at the end of my sleeves and I stared down my legs as long black pants formed, my bare feet still peeking out from the bottom. I looked up in awe and saw that Nic was setting fancy black shoes by my feet and I carefully slipped them on before the laces tied themselves. And then the fabric stayed still, seeming to sigh as it settled into place finally.

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