Chapter 6

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(Sorry guys for not updating)


Maria and I ride back towards the house. The ride is silent, neither one knowing what to say.
I steal a quick glance at her and our eyes meet. I look away blushing bright red and smiling like a dork. I may or may not have a crush on Miss Maria Reynolds.

After stopping off at the stables to put away the horses. We walk back to the house and we're ambushed by three little kids (including Susan) Eliza and William attach themselves onto me. While Susan tightly hugs Maria.

"Mommy can you do my hair?" Susan ask quietly almost whispering. "Um that depends, Eliza do you happen to have a brush?" "Of corse!"

I'm practically running up the stairs to get a brush. I find one of mine a rush downstairs. "Here ya go." "Thanks." She sits on the couch and Susan sits on the floor in front of her. Maria begins brushing Susan's thick long dark curls. I can tell she loves her daughter so much the way she looks at her is the way I would look at my children.

I escape my trance and realize that Eliza and William are causing chaos while Angelica is chasing them. I giggle at the sight and begin helping Angie and calming the kids down. It's almost sundown and Philip still isn't home. Being the overprotective mother I am, I began to worry. 
It is now thirty minutes after dark and Philip finally returns. I sprint to him and wrap him in a little to tight hug. "Philip where have you been. I was worried sick!" "Sorry ma." I just released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I look back at Maria she's just finished Susan's hair, it's in a long braid. When she's done she runs over to me. "Look Ms. Schuyler mommy did my hair!" "It looks beautiful!" She gives me a hug and runs back to her mom, "Thanks mommy!" Maria just gives her the most beautiful smile.
After all the kids are asleep I walk into Maria's room. She looks up at me and pats a spot next to her on the bed asking me to sit, and I do. She takes my hand. "Thank you Eliza." She gives me a half smile. "It was no problem Maria, I enjoy the company." I left after so she could sleep.
(This is bad but at least I updated.)

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