Love and Cool Water Chapter 16...

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Hey all, thank you all for all your comments and votes and all my new fans, i just love reading all your thoughts. I now have a little more free time and will be up loading faster. I do have the next two chapters writen up and will put them online tomorrow.

Anyway Enjoy and dont forget those comments and votes

Chapter 16...

Luke was gone when I got back downstairs, I was filled with relief and annoyance all at the same time. Relief that I didn't have to have this conversation with him and annoyed that he couldn't be bothered to really mean what he said and just disappeared.

I made my way to the dining hall secretly looking for him and again been disappointed when he was nowhere to be seen. His absence bugged the crap out of me and in my annoyance I grabbed absently at food and hid myself in one of the back corners. Once again Luke was playing hot and cold, only this time he had run off all together. Probably my own stupid fault for thinking anything other than that he was a complete arse but even as I thought the thought I knew I was just kidding myself, I liked the idiot even though it would probably not be a good idea when it boiled down to it.

Angry at my feelings and Luke's blatant rejection I stabbed at my food, forcing myself to eat it so I could go disappear into my room and die.

Twenty minutes later a panting Luke ran into the dining room frantically looking around until he spotted me. Rolling my eyes I stared out the window over the gardens ignoring him. It was for the best anyway.

Two minutes later he sat down across from me with his own plate of food.

'Sorry I was...'

'Don't worry about it.' I cut him off.

'No seriously I had no choice you will never believe who I...'

'Luke I really don't want to know.' I cut him off again with a look of disappointment.

'Yes you do.' He growled losing patience. 'It's Mia...'

'Look, I get it ok you want to help blah blah and the thought was nice, but deep down you don't care about little pathetic girl problems, so whatever your off the hook, your free to go do whatever or whoever, for that matter, that you like, just spare me the false intentions and leave me alone ok, I am big enough and ugly enough to take care of my own shit.' I couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth, they were absolutely ridiculous and the look on my face must have completely given away the hurt I was feeling but I simply could not get control of my emotions and to save any further embarrassment I got up calmly and left the room. As I rounded the corner I broke out into a flat sprint all the way back to my room, collapsing onto my bed face first.

'Idiot!' I screamed into my pillow as the tears streamed down my face soaking the pillow. 'That is so going to make him like you more.' I screamed banging my fist into the pillow. 'What's wrong with you?' I groaned in frustration. Why am I jealous of Mia? If he's interested in her then he really is just not worth it. 'Argh! Fraken idiot.' I screamed again. Getting up, I wiped away the tears from my face and walked over to the dresser.

'So he wants Mia, fine what do I care? He can have her, crazy biatch deserves the douche bag.' I mumbled into the mirror. I started rummaging through my bag for my phone to call Sydney, when my door crashed open, banging hard against the wall, revealing a seriously pissed off Luke. For a second I contemplated running, but pulled myself together and stood my ground, as he marched towards me kicking the door closed behind him.

'Now you listen to me, and listen good and don't interrupt for once because I'm only going to say this once.'

'Excuse...' I started.

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