Chapter Twenty-Three

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Finally, the vent underneath me gave way to a room of complete blackness, just like the one that led to the Electrical Room. As quietly as I could, I slipped the cover off before gently lowering myself into the black abyss. I was surprised, however, when I noticed there was no table underneath this vent, and was forced to drop a full ten feet down.

Deja vu hit me as I slid my hands across the walls, searching for a light switch. Once I found it, however, floodlights turned on, and I had to squint to see properly. This room was much bigger than I had anticipated. I simply stared, my jaw hanging slack, as I took in the warehouse/storage room in front of me. Looking at the crates marked in foreign symbols, I realized this must be a part of what Sam was telling me about - the plan to build an army and all.

Knowing that someone was bound to come in here, I sat on one of the crates marked in the one thing I could understand : "FRAGILE". I figured it was a small portion of my payback for all the years that they held me captive. 

Suddenly, just as my thoughts almost consumed me, the door flung open, and I was momentarily shocked to see a panting Ty standing there. His eyes met mine immediately and his expression hardened. I watched as he stalked towards me, anger flashing dangerously through his eyes. "Where is she?"

I got off of the crate, careful not to make any fast and unpredictable movements. I shrugged at his question, slowly backing away.

"You're going to take me to her, or I will slit your throat here, on the spot!" He yelled, shaking the room with the power of his voice. I gulped, knowing that he wouldn't hurt me if he knew who I was, but at the moment, I had hidden myself so well that he believed me to be a Rogue Guard.

I simply nodded, walking around him and going to the door. I needed to get away from him, and if it meant getting him lost in the Complex, then so be it. I wasn't about to get thrown off guard fighting my mate here in the warehouse, when only God knows whose watching.

But getting your desperate and furious mate lost behind you is easier said than done. He was on my heels through all the hallways, and I could tell that he was done. Ty wanted his mate, and he was going to do whatever he needed to get what he wanted, even if that meant going through me, his actual mate.

I simply walked forward, my head hung slightly, finally knowing there was no point. I needed to get him off my tail, but so far it had been nothing but a lost cause. Well, that was until I walked by something that caught both of our attentions. It was my old cell, which still reeked of me. Ty's eyes flickered, showing his wolf was trying to take control.

I gestured towards the cell, to which he stepped in, falling for my trick. I quickly slammed the door and locked it behind him, causing him to turn around and bang on it. If it wasn't for the fact I was still holding it in place, the door would have surely been knocked down already.

"You said you would take me to her!" He growled, banging his fists against the bars once more. Before I could react, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me flush against him, the only thing separating us being the bars. My mind suddenly became fuzzy with the sudden contact with my mate, and I knew he could feel it also. Ty reached out and caressed my face slightly, before removing the cap from my head. "A-Ally?" Tears suddenly filled his eyes.

"Ty-" but before I could continue, he pressed his lips to mind, creating a passionate kiss. I kissed him back immediately, missing the taste of him, before I snapped myself out of the trance I was in. No matter how much I wanted to stay with my mate, I had to leave. There was no doubt about that, and he certainly wasn't going to be the one to stop me.

He frowned when I pulled away from not only the kiss but also his embrace. Once I regained my breath I spoke. "I can't stay with you Ty, I'm sorry."


"Here me out," I pleaded, before continuing. "I know you want me to be Luna and you want to protect me from whatever comes our way, but you can't. Sometimes I have to fight my own battles, even if that means fighting alone. I don't need you to help me with saving my friends, but I do need you to stop the war between the Rogues and Packs breaking out."

He shook his head. "Alicia, I won't leave you! I am your mate - it's my job to protect you! You can't just reject me like this!"

"I would never reject you. I just can't be with you at the moment. The sooner you realize that, the better."

And with that, I stormed down the hall, tucking my hair back into my hat. Leaving my mate pleading for me to come back behind me, I knew one thing. I've come this far, and I wasn't going to give up anytime soon.


Hey guys!

I know I promised that I would get this chapter out there either yesterday or today, so here it is!

Anyway, I hope you liked it!

We are just about halfway through, so if you would please let me know what you think should happen next, let me know! It may just be the direction this story takes!

There will be plenty more twists and cliffhangers, just beware!

Don't forget to



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