Chapter 11. Are you okay?

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(Jimin's P.O.V)
Seohyun just fell to the ground like that. Everyone turned their attention to her except for Jungkook who was busy gazing out of the window till Taehyung exclaimed loudly. "Seohyun!! Wake up!"

She was in pain and clutching her heart before she fell to the ground in agony. I quickly sat up and tried to pull her up only to get scolded by Jin Hyung.

"Yah! You're still injured no matter what. We will take care of her," I looked at him with sad eyes. "Don't worry Jimin, she'll be alright." He assured.

I nodded giving him full consent for her to be taken to the other room for her to rest.

Hoseok hyung slid his arms under Seohyun's neck and thigh area being careful not to touch her sensitive area. He nodded and left the room with the others trailing behind him except for Taehyung and Jungkook that stayed behind to take care of me.

"Do you feel better? Your mum was here a few minutes ago..We told her what happened and she almost had a heart attack when I mentioned Hyunsoo's name." Jungkook said. I told him that I was feeling better even though my stomach was still in pain.

"Food...I'm hungry..." I managed to speak through my weak state. He nodded solemnly and asked Taehyung to get me some food.

Taehyung left the room running towards the kitchen to ask the chef to cook something for me.

Minutes later, he appeared in my room holding a tray of food on it.

I held out my hand to receive it but groaned in pain as it felt like my stomach was receiving stitches without anesthesia.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked visually concerned. "Yes, I am. Stop asking me please. It's getting annoying." I replied. Taehyung seemed to be taken aback from my sudden rudeness in my tone of speech. "O-okay then." I'm going to find my hyung in Seohyun's room. Kookie, please stay here to take care of him alright?"

Jungkook agreed and received the tray of food for me and fed me.

After finishing my food, I was about to sleep but Namjoon appeared by my door panting crazily.

"Jimin, Seohyun is in grave danger." 

Hahaha what's up guys! New title format from now on and what do you think about 2 updates in a day. :) I want to let you know that all my stories are made up on the spot so it isn't really nice to read. I apologize.😅

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