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Art by: ???


Aphmau looked out the window and closed her eyes, eventually she transformed.

She had a white dress and a blue cloak and gold flats and white wings.

She then opened the window and jumped out of it and started flying.


Aaron saw Ein running, he then ordered his wolves to surround Ein and they did so.

"What the? DARK WOLVES?!?" Ein said and then Aaron landed behind him.

"What did I say about escaping?" Aaron said in a very dark and demonic voice, causing Ein to shriek and turn around and his eyes widened.

"Wh-who are you?" Ein asked and Aaron chuckled.

"Aaron. What you don't remember me?" Aaron replied and Ein gulped in fear.

"You're a demon! Hah I knew it." Ein said the. Aaron picked him up from the collar.

"Oh a demon, well I'll show you what a demon can do." Aaron said then looked straight into his eyes. Turning him to a human.

Aaron then dropped him on the ground, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" Ein yelled and Aaron knelt down next to him on one knee.

"This is what you get for messing with me and trying to kill me and my family, there's still more." Aaron replied and Ein gulped.

"What else would you do?" Ein said as he was freaking out.

"This." Aaron said then gestured for the wolves to eat him.

Just then Aaron sensed someone around, he raised his hand to stop the wolves.

"Whoever you are, GET OUT OF YOUR HIDING SPOT BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" Aaron yelled then Aphmau came out.

"It's me." Aphmau said and Aaron walked up to her.

"Irene?" Aaron said then Aphmau held his hand.

"Listen to me, listen to my voice." Aphmau said in an angelic voice and Aaron close his eyes.

Slowly, Aaron's aura got back to him and his wings got back in him and his eyes turned black.

"Aaron?" Aphmau said as she turned back to normal.

"Aphmau... Thank you." Aaron said as he hugged her.

"C'mon let's go back." Aaron said and gestured for the wolves eat Ein.

Ciao Adios

Imperfectly Perfect ∘˚˳°Aarmau AU∘˚˳°जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें