»Chapter Nine« "You need to meet someone."

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A/N: I apologize for the story itself moving so slow, I didn't think anyone would actually read this, so I was doing it for fun at first. Now, I feel like I need to put much more work into my chapters, so I'm doing that. Keep reading, THINGS WILL GET SUPER INTERESTING! The end isn't much of a cliffhanger, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER...


Draven looked me in the eye, and asked, "Ayla? What's this?"

For some reason, he was smiling, and it was making me uncomfortable, along with the fact that he read it.

"I was thinking about things I could write about you, and ended up writing that.." I muttered.

"Oh, so this is about me?" The tips of his ears were turning a bright red, and he was speaking in a softer voice.

I nodded, and laughed. "This is awkward now, let's just get back to work and pretend that never happened."

He let out a strange laugh, and nodded, turning back to his work.


I continued writing, until the bell rang, dismissing us for lunch.

The rest of the day flew by, and soon enough it was time to head home. I wanted to speak to Calvin, so I stayed a bit after the bell, and walked toward the doors, hoping to catch him outside.

Crouching down to tie my laces, it took me a while to tie them thanks to my cast, and then I stood up and looked around. He couldn't have gone far.

Heading out the back doors, I heard him speaking on the phone, and Calvin was speaking calmly. At least he's not angry, so that's good,

He shoved his phone in his pocket, and dropped a cigarette. I didn't know he smoked.

"Oh, Ayla. I need to speak to you." He looked serious, and met my eye with a hard stare.

I replied, "Okay. What about?"

"Uh, come with me. You need to meet someone."

I was a bit hesitant, but he's never looked this serious before, so I went along with it. We walked down the steps, and crossed the street. Calvin gestured at some random guy to come over, and he began walking toward us.

"Ayla, we have to tell you something, and I suggest you sit down." Calvin spoke in a stern voice, and pointed to the bench near us. I took a seat, and so did Calvin.

First, I have no clue as to who that guy is, and Calvin and him have something to tell me, very odd. I don't know that to expect.

"Um, hi. It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Gunner." The guy who I didn't know introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you too, Gunner. I'm Ayla." I smiled nervously, and played with the ends of my hair.

"I know." He muttered to himself.

"What do you mean?" I asked him suspiciously.

"That's what we wanted to talk to you about, he's Gunner Anderson." Calvin explained.

I shook my head in disbelief, there is no way. Gunner Anderson died, he's not alive. Died in my mum's stomach, that's what my parents always told me.

"No. Gunner Anderson died. My parents told me that he didn't make it, died in the womb." I reassured them, but mostly reassured myself.

Calvin looked down at his feet. Glancing at Gunner, his eyes glassed over and he looked away.

"Ayla, your parents lied. They signed me up for adoption when I was very young, and left me. They didn't want me. I was a mistake." Gunner sniffed, and let his hair fall over his eyes.

Either my parents have been lying to me, or Gunner is lying to me right now.

"Prove it." I crossed my arms, trying to look menacing.

"Their names are Kyle Anderson, 49 years old, and Andrea Anderson, 47 years old," he paused and looked at me, "their bedroom has a white and blue theme, and you hide your spare key under the second lowest petal in the fake flower by the window."

"You could be stalking me." I sneered.

A look of hurt crossed his face, but left before I could comment on it. Gunner continued, "Your middle name is Ace."

I gaped at him, wondering how he knew that.

Only my parents knew about my middle name, they swore for it to be a family secret. "Okay, I kind of believe you.." I hesitantly replied.

His looks also proved him right, we both had the same blue eyes, fair skin, and brown hair. Our facial structure also seemed pretty similar. This is pretty messed up.

"Why would my-" I paused and corrected myself, "Why would our parents lie to me?"

"They didn't want you to hate them for the adoption thing." He mumbled.

I stole a glance at Calvin, and he was furiously typing on his phone. I wonder what that was about.

"That's sort of understandable. But I'm going to talk to them about it, and don't bother trying to stop me." I finished.

"Let's exchange numbers so you can tell me how it goes."

I nodded, and he handed me his phone, then I typed my number in it and sent myself a text. Handing it back to him, I replied to the text on my own phone, and said, "We're good now."

"Okay, I'm going to go talk to them now." I told them both, and they nodded.

"See you both around." I cut through a neighbourhood, in an attempt to reach home faster.

It was hard though, my ribs were healing, but still hurt, I got headaches pretty often as well, and let's not forget my arm and leg. I slowed my pace, and pulled out my phone.

Calling my mom, she picked up on the third ring.

"Mom? Yeah, you, dad and I need to talk."

"What about?" She asked, concerned.

"Your lies." I hung up.

I have a feeling this is not going to end well.


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