Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

“We are moving on!” Griffin shouted happily after we both had gotten dressed and ate breakfast. We were back in the room we stayed the night in. We both had changed into shorts and tank tops, which was weird because it had to mean we were going to go some place warm.

“Ancient Egypt, year 340 BC, January twentieth, just outside a small village I like to call Jem. It’s a beautiful place, let’s go there!” He smiled happily and grabbed my wrist.

What was he doing? Oh running towards the wall. Okay, Egypt in 340 BC, outside this village Griffin loves on January Twentieth. I didn’t close my eyes but watched as we ran through the wall and out of another and we were suddenly in a market.

There was people rushing all around us and it was so cool. No one paid any attention to us though as they traded goats and fruit and other items. I smiled at a little girl as she waved at me while she played with her doll. Griffin lead me through the streets until we stopped at a  house and he knocked three times on the door.

When it opened there was a girl behind it who broke into a smile and jumped up to hug him. Do people do that in ancient Egypt?

She let go of him and saw me and smiled, “you are Abbie, right?”

I slowly nodded my head and Griffin laughed. “This is Eshe, my girlfriend.”

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, “you never mentioned you had a girlfriend! Especially an Egyptian one who is really, really pretty by the way.” Griffin rolled his eyes at me.

Eshe smiled at me brightly, “please do come in!”

We walked into her house and all sat down around some food on the floor. I wasn’t very hungry, but Griffin was and he ate a lot of the food. Eshe and he talked nonstop and I was kind of happy for him. He seemed happy so that was all that mattered.

Once they were done catching up, Griffin told me that Eshe’s friend Femi would take me for a tour around. I was ecstatic. I get to go explore ancient Egypt while Griffin stays here and has sex with his girlfriend. I’m going to go on my own adventure!

When Femi arrived I pulled her into a hug then pushed her back out the door while saying, “c’mon, let’s go explore stuff!” Griffin laughed and Eshe said goodbye to her friend very quickly.

Femi laughed at me once we were back outside, “you are excited.”

I smiled brightly and nodded at her, “so where are you taking me first?”

“I will take you to the temple,” she smiled happily. I was smiling back at her and she led me on the way to the temple. It was basically this huge building with pretty windows and lots of places for you to pray. It was really pretty.

After that we went to go explore the city and I met a bunch of really nice people and a bunch of people who threatened to kill me because I wasn’t from around here or something. Well, duh. That’s kind of stating the obvious.

We were walking back to Eshe’s place and it was starting to get kind of dark. I was growing tired and Femi decided that the tour was over for today. She seemed kind of worried about something, so we walked a little faster. There wasn’t anyone of the streets anymore and I started to wonder where they had all gone. Just seconds ago you could hardly walk through the people.

What is going on?

“Uhh, Femi, what is-“ I started but she slapped her hand over my mouth. It actually hurt so much. She made a “sh”ing motion with her hand and I stared at her wide eyed.

She was scared.

But scared of what?

She grabbed my hand and we started to run down the street. Running, alright we are running. This must be pretty bad if we are running.

“I’ve got you now,” someone whispered. How did I hear that? I’m running. Then appeared this man in front of me and I stopped so I didn’t run into him. Was he a time traveler too?

“Well, you don’t seem like you fit here.” He commented with a smile.

“Run!” Femi yelled and I glanced at her to see her being tied up by another man.

I quickly turned around and sucked in a breath. August 15th 2013. Home. My home. And I started to run as I chanted that in my head. Then I ran towards a wall and came out of the wall in my bedroom. I started to breath heavily as I looked around. My clock said 8:16 am. My blankets  looked as if I had just woke up.

“Abbie!” I heard a yell, “what are you doing up there?!”

Was that my mom?

I whipped open my door and bolted down the stairs. My mom sat in her chair at the kitchen table drinking her tea all naturally like I wasn’t just gone for three days.

“Honey, why do you look so... tired and distressed?” She asked looking at me up and down with her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

“Haven’t you missed me?” I asked with surprise. Wait... I thought of August 15th... does that mean I am back at the morning I should have woken up? “Wait, what day is it?”

My mom was staring at me with her mouth hanging, “August 15th, I know you lose time perception during summer break, but what’s wrong?”

I let out a sigh of relief, “you have no idea, I’m just happy to be here.”

She got up from the table and came to feel my forehead, “are you alright?”

“I am now,” I smiled at her. “But I have to tell you something and you’re probably not going to believe me.”

She raised her eyebrows at me, “is it really that important? Or can it wait? I have to go stop at the store And pick up some-“

I cut her off, “mom, yes it really is very, very, very important. But to make it quick I’m going to show you rather than tell you or else you won’t believe me.” She raised her eyebrows at me but didn’t say anything, “now please sit down.” She did as I asked and sat back down where she was sitting before.

“Was there something you ever lost as a child that you have no explanation to as where it went? It just vanished?”

She thought for a moment, “yes – but what does this have to do with anything?”

“What is it?”

“What do you mean Abbie? I lost it at a park, it’s not like you’re ever going to find it. Someone else probably took it.” She said frustratingly.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, “what was it and what day did you lose it on?”

“It was a doll I got for my eighth birthday,” she stood up, “but Abigail, what does this have to do with anything?”

“Did you lose it on your eighth birthday?”

“Yes, but Abigail,” she wasn’t able to continue because I ran straight towards the wall and disappeared. I was fast at thinking up a date now and quite proud that I found myself in the right park.

There was a little girl sitting by herself on a picnic blanket with a doll sitting beside her. I felt so bad that I was about to do this, but it had to be done.

“Jenifer!” I yelled out then pretended like I was just another person walking by. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the little girl get up and go running off to see who had called her. Once she was out of view I took off running at full speed towards the doll and grabbed it on my way past. I continued on running and hoped to god she didn’t come out and see me because this was a big field.

Plus, I really couldn’t risk it.

I managed to run right into a tree and disappear back to my kitchen, but on the opposite side I had some in. My mom was staring at the space that I had disappeared in with awe in her face. I cleared my throat and she turned around so fast I was surprised she didn’t fall down.

“Abigail?” She asked with surprise.

I smiled sheepishly at her, “I can kind of travel through time.”

She looked down at the doll I was holding in my hand and blinked a couple times.

“Alright. Please do sit and tell me more.”

I sighed and handed her the doll before sitting across the table from her. This was going to be awkward and long.

Moment - CampNanoWriMo April 2014Where stories live. Discover now