Chapter 1.

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If you get confused, There 18.

I woke up to my phone blaring 'What Makes You Beautiful. ' Wasn't me who set my alarm as this. But I bet you can guess who.

I lazily grabbed my phone and turned off my alarm. I then stumbled out of bed(Stumbling cause someone wouldn't let go.)and headed for the shower. I cleaned up, brushed my hair and teeth and then got dressed into a purple long sleeve crop-top with dark skinny  jeans, and white converse with butterflies on them. I brushed my straight black hair and put a little bit of make up to bring out my bright blue eyes.

I head down stairs to cook some bacon and eggs. I sat down two plates, after the food was cooked, and  started eating my breakfast.

I soon heard footsteps coming down the steps. A strong pair of arms flew around my waist and their was a kiss to my cheek.

"Morning Princess." I smile.

"Morning Lou." He grabs his plate and scoots closer to me. He puts his arm around me while eating his food.

Louis and I have been together for 2 years. Were 18. We have known each other for about I say....18 years? He is older then me, by 5 days tho

Louis finished his breakfast, and went to take a shower. And if your wondering, no, we're not living together, he just stayed over.

He soon came back down stairs fully dressed, and sat down on the couch.
"Vanessa, come heeeerrrreee." He whines. I laugh softly while shaking my head.

"Dork" I went over to the couch and sat right next to him. He put his arm around me(again) and scooted closer to me(again). "What time do you have signing?" I ask. He checks his phone.

"10:30." Its 10:17.

"You need to get going Lou."

"But..fine, but I'm coming right back here after." He said still pouting.

"Can't. I have an interview. I'm sorry Lou."

"Aw pooh. " He said in a childish voice.

I laugh, "Go, you going to be late!" Pushing him out the door.

"Fine, fine. But first," He turns around, giving me a kiss. "A goodbye kiss, Love you princess."

"Love you too, Superman." He laughs walking out the door.

I look at the clock.


He's going to be so late.


"Hi, Louis!" She said sliding a picture of Vanessa and I. "She already signed it, so I was hoping you would to."

I grin, "Of course I will love." Signing it next to my princesses signature, while adding a plus sign in between them, and a heart underneath.

I give it back to her still grinning. She squealed, and said thank you.

My hand was starting to hurt when I heard someone ask "Why can't I have a relationship like Lounessa?" I look up and saw the same girl by the fence talking to someone.

I excused my self and went over there.
I tapped her shoulder, and she turned around and gasped.

I smiled. "Hey, I never caught your name."

"A-Amber G-Green." Stuttered the blonde.

I chuckled,"Well Amber, I bet someone is out there , you might know him, you might not , but he's there.And, don't ask for a relationship like mine, have your own. Its fantastic." I say.

She smiled,"Thank you, L-Louis."

I smiled, "its no problem, love."


"Never have I ever used my other halves toothbrush."  Asked Joe, the interviewer.

My nose scrunched up. I flipped the thing to never. I looked over to see Madison's thing on never, Dylan's on never and Katies on I have...gross!

"Katie, you have?" Asked Joe.

She looked down. "Yea.."

We all look at her..

"Ok then.." I say

"Next question....kissed the other sex?"

We all had never.

When I looked back at him he looked weird....and he was looking at Dylan.

He then points at him and yells "LIES! You kissed your best friend Jake, when you were 15! You told me last time." That got a flusterd Dylan and laughs. "IT WAS A DARE!!"

"Ok, that's it guys  I had a great time! Gosh I love Broken Two's  cast!" Joe let out.

"Aw, we love us two." Madison and I said together. We laughed, as did everyone else.

We entered my flat and saw 5 Idiots on my couch.

"Why did I give you a key again?" I ask superman AKA idiot number 1.

He walked over to me and pecked my lips, "Because you love me." I smile.

"I guess." He glared at me.

"You know." I laughed and got out of his grip and went to take a shower, but with the same voice in my head.

Be more like Louis.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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