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💛 If Only 💛

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💛 If Only 💛


Jungkook had a power, a power that was always hard to explain. On how he possessed it and why he even been 'gifted' with it in the first place.

Although the brunette liked to deem his useless power. Mean and heartbreaking with the dynamics of it, well at least to him personally.

I mean with every person he meets or sees they all view him different. I'm not talking about viewing him different as in he's cool, or wait I don't think so.

What I mean is legit, whoever Jungkook sees or meet. They see him should I put it...basically they see what they want to see.

They don't see him for who he really is a cute seventeen year old brunette with chocolate brown doe eyes. With pink lips that the top lip protrudes downwards cutely. Nope not at all they don't see that and that's for sure. Jungkook alway made sure to ask whoever he meets what he looks like.

It's really sad to have your best friend view you as a blonde hair boy with lazy eyes and a cute lip shape. Yup, that doesn't hurt at all when Jimin always comments on his features that aren't his features, but the features of who he deem is beautiful.

And so the seventeen year old boy, Jeon Jungkook. Deems his power useless...,well at least to him. I mean he seems to make other people happy when they see him.

But it only seems to leave a bitter taste on his tongue. When he thanks someone for commenting on his pretty 'green eyes'.

If only there was someone who saw Jungkook as their own idea of beauty. And not some purple haired guy with dark brown eyes and dimples on each side of his cheeks with and I quote 'a smile to die for'.

Jungkook had to admit at least Jin's idea of person with beauty. Seemed cool especially with an odd hair color like that.


I had got this idea from a tumblr post and like babam the rest just came to me

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I had got this idea from a tumblr post and like babam the rest just came to me.

Here's the Tumblr post I full righteously give the idea credits to them. If anything I just made it into a Taekook AU.

 If anything I just made it into a Taekook AU

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