I think i like him?!

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Chapter 13

Zayns POV

I kissed her....I...I kissed her.....her lips were so soft and I was hungry for more but I stopped my self.
What surprised me was she didn't even push me away. Could she have some feelings for me.

Ella's POV

Why didn't I stop him?....I was trying to think of any reason, why I didn't stop him but I couldn't. Do I....do I like him?......I think..I like him!

Next day

I was at school, everyone was staring at me just like the first day I had come to this school. I felt really awkward and nervous and just wanted to hide. As Zayn and his friends walked in the same routine happened again...you know everyone surrounding them screaming there names while I stay next to my locker.
Zayn came up to me and said "meet me near the school bridge at 6" and walked of. He stopped for a second and came back "if you forget I'll kill you" he said smiling and walked away.
This time rather then everyone staring at me they started to give me death stares which made me shiver.

Zayns POV

Yep.....that's a date. I mean how could I not ask her on a date?....we've kissed already. So tonight were going to meet at the bridge and I thought that I might have a nice chat with her. I don't know, I should get to know her a little more. I just want to make her feel comfortable with me first. I want her to know that I'm not that sort of person she thinks I am and If I was I want her to know that I've changed... And to be honest... I've changed for her.

First love - zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now