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Guys I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who is reading my story thanks a lot guys!❤️❤️❤️

Oh and sorry for my grammar I've been trying to fix some and republish it but it takes forever to get published so sorry if i can't fix them all plus I have dyslexia which makes stuff like this hard for me but I'm trying..

Anyway enjoy..

Harry's Pov

I yawned opening my eyes Gil was already up,

I looked beside me expecting Uma to be there but she isn't she's gone..

"Looking for someone?" Gil asked me,


"Uma just left if your wondering where she went" Gil says,

I just nodded,

I got up and had the blanket around my waist since I'm still naked,

I just walked to my dresser and started looking for clothes for today,

"I hate it here"

"Me too everything here looks pale" Gil admits agreeing,

Once Gil and I were done we left the room,

"We don't know where we're going" I say as we started walking down the hall,

"Uma knows her way around here"

Me and Gil walked to Uma's room and knocked on her door,

Soon the door opened revealing a child instead of Uma,

"I think we got the wrong room.." Gil says,

"No this is her room"

"Is Uma here?" I asked the girl,

"Yes.. but I would never let you in.. you kept stealing and destroying things from me back home" She admits,

"Well my bad.."

"Let them in"

She rolls her eyes and let's me and Gil inside,

I just see Uma sitting down on the bed looking at a note or something,

I walked towards Uma and sat beside her with a cheeky smile on my face,

Uma looks at me and rolls her eyes,

"What are you smiling about" Uma asked sarcastically yet annoyed,

"Last night" I simply say with a grin still
on my face,

Uma just ignores what I've said and gets up,

By the way guys people have been requesting another chapter sorry this is really short I have lots of stories to work with..

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