Chapter Eighteen

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Louis POV

I put the phone down, relieved. Simon and SYCO our record company were happy with it. I had told them about how amazing she was and how good she was with the fans,so he gave us permission to tell the world about our relationship. Later on we had a live interview on a chat show, so it was good timing. Tonight I tell the world about my beautiful girlfriend!

I walked back into the living room to tell everyone the good news. Paige wasn't there. They all looked happy except for Harry. I'd have to make up with him before the interview!

"Where's Paige?"

"Oh she's on skype with her best friend from America."

I nodded, I understood that it was hard for her living in a different country to all her friends but we were always here for her!

Paiges POV

"I miss you so much!"

I said to the screen as Eva popped up on skype. She was always the crazy flirt who always had the latest gossip.

"I miss you too!" She screamed. I felt myself getting emptional.

"So how is it living with One Direction, I mean you go on tour in a week! Are you good friends?" I laughed at her.

"You could say that..." I said mysteriously as her face dropped, I could see her tensing, it was killing her not knowing some gossip!

"Spill Paige!!"

"Ok, well me and Louis... ARE DATING!"

I moved my head away from the computer speakers as she screamed with excitement!

"Ohmigosh!!!!! Thats amazing, I can't believe it...Is he a good kisser?"

"Eva!!" I said in embarassent.

"...Yes...." This gained another squeal.

"I have to see you, I miss you honey!"

"I miss you more!"

I just wanted to hug her and talk like we used to. The boys were amazing but sometimes you just need a girl to talk to!

"Anyway honey I need to go to work, but I love youuuuuu!"

"Love you too!" I gave her a huge airhug as I wiped away my tears. I placed the computer away, and walked downstairs.

"So, who are we going to invite?"

I heard them whispering. What are they up too?

Louis POV

We decide to plan Paiges' birthday which was in three days. But it had to be a suprise, we bribed Niall to try and make him keep the secret but we know what he's like so we didn't tell him the important information. Liam was the best at organising so I handed him a list of her friends that her cousin Chloe had emailed me.

"So, who are we going to invite?" I whispered to Liam.

"What are you up too?"

I turned around and noticed Paige standing on the stairs, her cheeks were wet and I could tell she'd been crying. Liam discretely sat on the list as I closed my emails.


I tried to think of an excuse.

"I was just wondering what to wear tonight, for our interview? I mean it's live so do I dress smart?"

She smiled at me and ran to my room, she was now in her element. I followed her.

She picked out some wine chinos, a white top and some braces.

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