Khan's Daughter (Star Trek: Into Darkness)

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As a child I was always close with my father. Captain Jim Kirk. However I never figured out why I looked nothing like him. I had jet black hair and blazing bright green/blue eyes. My dad's eyes were just blue and his hair was dirty blonde. He also had a diffent face shape than I did. He had a square jaw. I did not. Yes I am a girl and girls don't really have square jaws but I still didn't understand. My father had been acting strangely lately. He said he had a suprise for me. I was turning 16 today.He said Spock would pick me up from the main lobby at 3:09. The exact time I was born.

I was sat in a chair. My fingers nervously drumming the sides of it. What could the suprise be? Maybe a quick tour of the enterpirse? That would be cool. I see a figure appear at the entrance of the lobby. It's Spock. He has a smile on his face as he walks towards me. I smile back and hug the vulcan tightly. He hugs back.

"Hello Uncle Spock!" I say happily.

"Hello Kiah. Happy Birthday." He says. I smile.

"Your father has requested I give you this before I show you your suprise." Said Spock handing me a wrapped box.

I take it gently. The silver wrapping relfects my face. I untie the bow and unwrap the box. I take the lid off exposing a light blue shirt with the same symbol that my fathers shirt has on it. I put the box on a nearby table and pull out the shirt. It was part of a uniform. A Star Fleet uniform. My eyes widen! Excidely I run to the nearest bathroom and change, My dad knew I didn't like skirts so he made custom pants for me. I smile as I zip up my boots and look at my reflection. I looked like a real Star Fleet officer. I run back out to Spock. When he sees me he smiles.

"Are you ready for your suprise?" He asks.

I nod my head. He motions for me to follow him. He leads me up a set of stairs, I have no idea where we are going. Spock opens up an elevator and we step in. My dad is in the corner. He is smiling at me. I run into his arms and he hugs me tightly.

"Do you like your new outfit?" He says laughing.

"I love it daddy!" I say squealing a bit.

He laughs and smiles at me. "Well go on give us a turn." He says whirling his finger.

I roll my eyes but do as he says. I spin in a circle showing off all of my light blue uniform. When I am facing my dad again he is smiling at me. I smile back.

"You look great!" He says. "Now for your suprise." My dad winks and puts his hands over my eyes.

"Dad!" I whine.

"Ah ah ah. No whining Kiah." He says firmly. I let out a puff of air.

We walk for what seems like hours. Until finally we stop. My dad pulls his hands away and I open them. I am on my dad's ship! The Starship Enterprise. The whole crew cheers happy birthday. I smile and blush. I notice a chair next to the captain's with a bow around it. I point to it and my dad nods. I run to the chair. I notice an engraving on the back. Happy Birthday Kiah! Love Jim Kirk aka Dad! I cover my mouth as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Dad...I love it!" I say running towards him. I practically knock him down with my hug, He laughs and hugs me tightly.

"That's not all. Scotty." says my dad.

Scotty appears from the crowd and hands me a silver box. I pull the top off. A phaser. With my name on it. Literally. My name Kiah Kirk is engraved on the side. I smile as I lift it up.

"Ladies and Gentleman...Meet your new co-captain Kiah. She will be accompanying us on this mission." He says. Everyone cheers. My eyes widen. I turn to my dad.

"Me...on a mission? With you! Oh Dad! This is fantastic!" I say

My dad grins. He holds out his hand and I take it. He leads me up to the chair with the bow and motions for me to sit. I do. The feeling that came with a Captain's chair was undescribable. My dad sat next to me.

"Kiah would you like to launch us?" He asked. I nodded.

In school they teach you everything you need to know about Ships and how to launch so I knew exactly what I was doing. But I was a bit nervous as this was my first launch. I swallowed the lump in my throat and began giving orders. The ship slowly began to take off. When we were finally in the air I gave the command to send us to warp. As soon as we were flying safely I turned to my dad.

"So. What's the mission?" I asked eager.

"We need to find a man named John Harrison. He is a fugitive and currently at large. He is in Klingon space. Somewhere the fleet can't go but the Enterprise can." Said my dad.

My mouth turned up into a wide grin. My dad lifted an eyebrow.

"What?" He asked.

"They have been teaching us Klingon in school! I am pretty much fluent!" I say excited.

My dad looks at me with a worried glance. I know he would hate for me to go face to face with a Klingon officer or offical but, in school they do real life simulations and the Klingons always seem to accept me. They aren't mean or vicious as everyone says. 

"Maybe. I might have Uhura go down with you just to keep you safe." He says. I nod. 

My dad dismisses me to explore the ship and firmilarize myself with my surroundings. This is going to be fun!

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