[ 6:07 pm, 11/08/16 ]
so i visited mom for her birthday today, and i can honestly say that she's stayed the same all throughout her 50 years of life. she's selfless, loving, you know, the works. she's the best thing in my life, next to you.
it was kind of funny, actually, because you had visited her just an hour or so before i did. she told me all about how happy she was to see you, how vibrant you looked. you were glowing, she told me. i wish i could've been there to see you. i wanna see how you glowed like you gave birth to the sun itself.
mom still thinks we're married.
i-i don't have the heart to tell her otherwise.and apparently, you didn't either.
although i do wonder, what makes you glow so much.
i know it's probably just you being you, but sometimes i wonder if you found someone else. and if you did, i'd be upset. breathtakingly upset, but i would deserve it.i would hope whoever holds you in their arms at night knows your favorite song, and why you like to buy flowers for your neighbors on their birthday's although you don't know them all too well. i hope they dance in their underwear with you. i hope they never, ever hurt you, as i did.
i hope they love you just as much as i do.
i know that i'm selfish, but a part of me thinks that no one will be able to love you as i do, and i know that I am dead wrong.
because with one glance at you, even a villain can find some light within themselves.
it gets harder to sleep nowawdays. my bed isn't as warm as before, it isn't nearly as welcoming. but i deserve it. i deserve all of it. missing you, seeing literally every damn thing that reminds me of you and getting a flash of pain run through my body because you might never come back.
i deserve this pain.
but i still wish i had you to sing me to sleep.
play again?note | four more chapters until this ends!

Fanfictionhe fights for a love left bruised. a kim namjoon fic. © happypjm ( 2017 )