002.[ 5:06 pm, 11/04/ 16 ]
sorry it took me a while to send this, i had work, and not much a break to speak to you. i think what i have to say should be worth it, though. even though nowadays, i have no idea what runs through your mind, so i cannot confirm that it would be worth your listening pleasure.
i just really hope it is.
anyway, you always told me how much you loved my paintings, so thanks to you, some of them have been placed into museums. it's undoubtedly accurate that you were my muse for most of my works. i think that's fair, after all. the pain i was left with, all of it was fused into my hands, and onto a canvas.
so thank you, for being my muse. even if the reason why isn't a favored one. you aren't the only muse i have gained, however. there is one more.
her name is lauryn hill. she's a musician, yes? you loved her music, so naturally, i did too.
you told me she sang more than the blues. that she sang of the greens, the vibrant yellows, the crimson reds.
so i took your words, and i crushed them into art. i started paintings of those very things, of the colors you wouldn't fail to tell me of.
my favorite song of hers, is everything is everything. i don't know why. the way she captures her words, her sounds, and her voice is such a melliflous thing to hear.
she's inspired me to great measures.
you've inspired me.
well, i guess that'll be all for today. you've probably got things to do.
can you call me back soon, please? i'd like to hear your voice.
even if i don't deserve it.
play again?

Fanfictionhe fights for a love left bruised. a kim namjoon fic. © happypjm ( 2017 )