Catching Up

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~Near a pond~

Mal's POV

I missed Harry so much. Today we decided to relax, catch up and have fun. I just woke up and got changed

I then walked towards the place we arranged to meet

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I then walked towards the place we arranged to meet.

I had bought some food (e.g sandwiches, crisps, chocolate, cake ect.)

"Mal!" I heard someone say.
I turned around to see my other best friend.
"Hey Harry" i greeted him.
He smirked

"How's Uma?" I asked,  starting a conversation
"She's good. Runs a fish and chips shop now." the pirate explained.
"Wow..." i said, surprised about how well my oldest friend was doing.
"How have you been living here?" Harry asked
"Well,when i first came all i wanted to do was go home but as i got used to it i wanted to stay but now everyday I have paparazzi following me everywhere and it gets so annoying. But hey." I explained
"Oh..." was all that escaped the pirate's lips.

Just as I was about to ask him another question, a swarm of people with microphones and cameras surrounded us.

"Mal, are you cheating on Ben?" One of the news reporters asked
"Who is this?" Another questioned.
"Is he your new boyfriend?"
"Introduce this man."
"Why are you here on your own with this boy?!"
"Where's king Ben?"
"Mal, How does it feel to be alone with this man?"
"Who is he? "

Before I could even stand up, Harry was standing between me and the reporters.
"Why do you people need to follow Mal everywhere?. Is she not intitled to a bit of privacy anymore? JUST LEAVE HER ALONE!" Harry screamed at the reporters.

After they left the pirate sat down, breathing heavily.
"Are you ok Harry?" I asked concerned
"I'm fine thanks Mal." He said
"You didn't have to do that for me..." i explained to him
"Yes I did Mal. They keep on intruding on your own privacy. Its not fair." He explained
"Your a great friend Harry." I smiled
"Thanks Mal." Harry smirked

~the next day ~

I had been delivered my daily school newsletter. I began to read it. It read-

Could King Ben's girlfriend, Mal, be cheating on him?
Yesterday, our reporters found the ex-villian kid having a picnic with a new arrival Harry Hook.
When our reporters tried to question the girl, the pirate stood up for her and argued with them,telling them to leave the poor girl alone.
If this truly is the end of the king and mal's relationship, what could this mean for the villan kids and ,more importantly,  the kingdom?

I ran out of my dorm and made my way to Harry's.

I knocked on the door. It swung open to reveal the handsome  man.
"Mal-" he started
"We need to talk - Now." I said
Not waiting for a reply, I entered the room.

"Whats wrong?" He asked
"This is what's wrong." I sakd as I lifted the peice of paper up into the air.
"The daily newsletter?" Harry questioned
"Read it." I instructed
He obeyed and took it out of my hand and began to read it.
"WHAT!?" He practialy screamed
"I know right? How could they do this to my reputation?" I said.

Just as we were about to carry on speaking, the door opened to reveal Ben.
"Is this true?" He asked
"No." Harry replied
"Of course not Ben." I answered
"Whats up with the picnic part then?" He asked angrily
"Yes we were having a picnic but that was just a friendly one. We were catching up. " i explained
"Ok..." he said leaving the room.


Thank you all for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Leave your idwas on what you thinks going to happen next. (The story has already been planned out to the end.) Until next chapter, bye.
- XxDanipopsxX

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