"Um yea but what does that have to do with-"

"Then you can sign the papers and please hurry up I have other customers" She said nodding her head behind me

I turned around and noticed the line of people with unpleasant looks on their faces.

I quickly turned back around and signed the papers handing them back to her.

"Thank you and here's you're key" She said handing me a silver key with 45B engaged into it.

"Thanks" I mumbled back and walked away from the desk towards the elevator on the left. I pushed the button just as my father walked in with a Luggage Cart.

"How'd everything go?" He said out of breath. I'm guessing hauling my bags did that to him considering I shop a lot and have too much makeup.

"Good, but the Desk lady is rude " Whispering the last part since we weren't far from her.

He only laughed and walked into the now open elevator struggling to pull the Cart with him.

"And how come I could sign the papers, I mean I'm only 16" I said once the doors were closed

" I have something to tell you tonight.." He said looking nervous and placing a hand on the back of his neck.

"What"? I asked sort of worried by his behavior

"Nothing important, it can wait till tonight" He reassured me but it didn't really help considering I was still freaked out a little.

The elevator finally was brought to a stop and opened revealing a long row of doors with letters on them.

I stepped out and searched for 45B like the key had said while my dad was struggling with the cart behind me. I finally found it on the far right side of the long hallway, it was the last apartment here.

I placed the I key inside the hole and turned the knob revealing the place.

It was breathtaking. It had white furnishings, A beautiful kitchen and a Fantastic view of Manhattan.

"Dad it's beautiful" I said smiling as I ran to hug him

"I knew you'd like it" He said smiling back at me

"Mom would've loved it" I said ending the hug to look at him.

"Yeah she would've." He said with a small smile and sad eyes.

We stayed silent for awhile looking at the view just enjoying each others embrace.

He then changed the subject and said "Go checkout your room I had a special friend of mine design it for you" He said bringing all smiles back.

"Ok" I said calmly even though I was screaming on the inside

I went into past the living room into a dimly litted hall way that had 4 doors. I knew his was on the right since it was the last one and had the biggest door. And I assumed mine was on the far left of his. But there was still two other doors which made me curious so of course I had to go inside. The first one was a bathroom I also assumed was mine since dads had a connecting bathroom and the 2nd was a guest room neatly furnished with a closest and no bathroom. Why would we need a guest room? I pondered closing the door behind me and walked to my room. I stepped inside and was again in shock for the third time today. My room matched me perfectly, it had a canopy bed with yellow sheets and a huge pillow collection, A closet that I knew I would love, A balcony, a window seating area with the same pillows from the bed and the best part was the small chandelier similar to the one I saw in the lobby earlier.

I ran towards the bed and jumped on it laying down smiling to myself. Everything was finally coming into place. It was perfect.

"Settled in yet?" My dad asked setting my bags down and joining me on the bed flopping down as well.

"Very much so" I said with a small laugh as he made the bed move

"Good because we have some guests coming over soon so freshen up" He said starting to stand up.

"What?,Who?,Why?" I immediately began asking

"It's a business dinner with a old friend of mine, I used to work with her." He said shrugging his shoulders

"Her?" I asked questionably "Can I get a name?" I asked

"No you may not until you freshen up" He said trying to be serious but failed since he knew I would drop the subject.

"Do I know her?" I asked now standing up

"No" He said simply

I sighed defeated knowing he was stubborn and would say anything.

"Fine fine fine" I'll get ready I said motioning him to get out so I can change.

"Love you too" He said as I shoved the door in his face

I laughed and searched through my bags for something to wear, I finally decided on a white blouse and some light wash jeans with ankle boots. Once satisfied I went to the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup realizing I probably looked like a mess.

Just as I was applying a swipe of lip gloss I heard the door bell ring.

"Can you get that?" My dad yelled through his closed door

"Yeah" I answered and shut the bathroom door behind me.

I walked through the living room and towards the door giving my hair one last fluff and gave made a fake but genuine smile appear on my face.

I twisted the lock and opened to door to none other than him itself. That boy I saw earlier on who made the comment.

My smile turned into a scowl and my hands turned into fists.

"What do you want?" I said rudely almost slamming the door in his face.

He only smirked and looked me up and down a little longer than necessary making me feel uncomfortable.

"I'm here for dinner" He finally said

Oh shit.


Ok so that was chapter 1! Hope you enjoyed it(:

sorry if it was short, the chapters will get longer throughout the story! And sorry for any grammar mistakes I'm new at this 😂

Please leave comments or anything down below !

- Lizzy xoxo

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