Chapter 1

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"Sherlock, for God's sake!" John called out from the kitchen.
"What?" Sherlock called.
"What did I say about keeping thumbs in the vegetable drawer?" John stomped into the living room and stared at Sherlock.
"It's an experiment," Sherlock replied nonchalantly. "You never complained about the ears in the freezer."
"There were ears in the freezer?" John was getting fed up with Sherlock's habit. There was only so many random discoveries a man could take. First it was the eyes in the microwave, then the toes in the coffee jar, and now the thumbs in the fridge. John probably would have never found those toes, he was a dedicated tea man himself, it just so happened he had an old friend round who had asked for a coffee.
Sherlock's phone started to ring.
"Hello," he said into the receiver.
"Sherlock. It's Lestrade. You need to get down to the station quickly, I think you're gonna like this one."
"How would you rate it?" he asked.
"What?" Lestrade was genuinely confused. Rate what?
"Between one and ten, how would you rate whatever has happened?"
"Sherlock, I don't have time for this. Just get down here!"
"I don't leave the flat unless it's a seven emergency or below."
"Just get here!" Lestrade hung up the phone.
Sherlock put his phone down and proceeded to grab his coat, shoes and scarf. He ignored a very angry looking John for as long as he could.
"Where are you going?" he said.
"Lestrade wants me down the station on. Are you coming?" Sherlock replied. There was no time for falling out. There was a case to investigate and Sherlock was positively buzzing. He would be incredibly disappointed if was a simple one.
"I guess," John said. He went to his room and grabbed his jacket and shoes. What a bunch of madness this place is, he thought.

Sorry this chapter is so short, the next one will be longer and better! I promise! Feedback is appreciated and I hoped you liked it!
Sandwich 😜

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