The Funeral

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

     For just a moment, Ciel peered up at the large manor where Y/N had taken up residence, carrying the weight of bad news as Sebastian gave the door a firm knock, both holding a solemn air as Arthur opened the door with a welcoming smile. He had expected his master standing on the other side, but she wasn't behind the pair or even in the near vicinity. The young Earl stepped forward, removing his top hat and hanging his head respectfully along with his butler.

     "What are you doin' here?" Naturally, he felt on-edge, but the two remained calm as Sebastian spoke up.

     "I'm afraid we come bearing bad news. Would you mind gathering everyone in the household?" A bit stunned, Arthur gave pause before nodding his head and stepping out of the way.

     "Right away. I'll lead ya to the drawin' and fetch the others. This way, sirs." Doing his best to speak politely to the visitors, he lead them there, taking their coats and offering tea before leaving to summon Drossel and Oliver. I'm a matter of time, everyone besides Sebastian and Drossel, who opted to stand, were seated comfortably.

     "Now that you're all here, we can discuss this properly. As her servants, you have a right to know," Ciel starts off, speaking maturely with a mask to disguise whatever emotions were swelling inside. Though he too was somewhat sad, he was strong enough to hold his head high.

    "Did somethin' 'appen to Miss Y/N?" Oliver questions, clinging to the sleeve of his brother's tailcoat, eye full of worry. Unfortunately for them, Ciel nodded.

     "I'm afraid there's been a terrible accident. Y/N is dead." Eyes wide, Arthur abruptly stood in utter disbelief. The rest of the room was just as shocked. Oliver had even began to tear up.

     "No, that can't be!" The seriousness of the boy's gaze, however, assured him otherwise.

     "We'll be holding a funeral for her. All the arrangements have already been made and the expenses have been taken care of. You needn't worry about any of it."

    "This can't be real," Arthur mutters, sitting back down by his brother's side and covering his mouth, a film of tears forming in his blue eyes. Just then, Sebastian stepped forward, carrying a simple box which he hands over to Drossel.

     "I do believe you might want this. It was her favorite possession after all." Almost hesitant, the doll took the lid off the box, staring down at the white bear his mistress always carried with her wherever she went. His fur was freshly washed and pristine; the neck tied with a black bow.

    "My lady..." Oliver broke out into loud sobs as he squeezed his brother's arm tightly, shaking his head as the plush was pulled out of the box and held within the doll's hands. Drossel couldn't look away from it. Perhaps, if he were capable, he would've been a crying mess just like Arthur and Oli, but he remained still, bringing the bear to his wooden chest with the same, empty expression he normally wore, tilting his head downwards. Y/N had pieced him back together with her own two hands, though they were enemies at the start. His master had always showed interest her. It is why he became her butler in the first place, but how she treated him, it made him feel emotions that weren't usual for him. He enjoyed being her butler; in fact, even if not ordered by his master to take care of her, he would've likely done it anyways. Now, she was gone. That warmth she had brought to their home was gone. All that joy and laughter, every ounce of familial love was gone. The head of their household had died.

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