Chapter Thirty-Three

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How was Mara supposed to work with the boys who hate her? Felix, the right hand boy who gives her the looks that is full of hatred, Nibs the boy who attempted to kill her on her first day, Rufio who threw a spear at her once during the hunting game and Twin Two who hasn't done anything wrong to her yet but she knew he hates her.

As for her tentmates, James was teamed with Ace, the other Twin and other two she couldn't remember their names. Tootles was with Devin, Thomas and the other two. Curly and Slightly with the rest of the boys but both in separate teams.

Mara approached Pan in the middle of the camp while everyone were getting ready for the hunt, she saw Felix and Nibs already talking to each other, and even Rufio and Twin Two as well. "Is this another of your joke you're playing at?" She whispered.

Pan glanced at her, wrinkled his brows in confusion, "Of course not"  he sounded sarcastic.

"Felix? Nibs? They hate me, you know that. Rufio nearly killed me once and Twin Two is--" she gazed to her left, finding Twin Two with Rufio and collecting their weapons. "--I'm sure he hates me too. No way we're going to able to work as a team"

"This game is a test, not just for you but for everyone else and see how well all of you do, see how long before you all kill each other or if you all work together. Not all of these boys are fond to each other" he explained in a low voice, "since you have nothing against your new team, I suggest you'll be the one keeping them from kill each other, can you do that?"

Mara scoffed, "That's if they don't kill me first" then she walked back to her friends.

Before the hunt began, Pan explained that they'll be hunting deers, one for each team and the hunt won't stop until they all catch one. The animals were already on loose before the Lost Boys woke up and they could be anywhere on the island now.

"Anyone I should worry about?" Mara hushed, crouching down beside James as he was sharpening his wooden spear. He responded with a confused look as he looked at her, "Felix? Nibs? Twin Two? Rufio?"

James glanced back over where her team were, "Nibs is hard to talk to, he'll probably avoid you if you attempt to talk to him. Felix is easily annoyed, when Pan announced that there's going to be a first Lost Girl and he attempted to persuade Pan to reconsider it so, if I were you, I'd watch out for him." He blew off the carved wood on his spear before standing up. "Rufio, to tell you the truth, he's not that bad, trust me, try and talk to him. And Twin Two, he's a little quiet but it'll take a while for him to get used to around you"

Mara could try not to think about Rufio when he threw a spear at her and not bring it up if they talk.

When the hunt began, that's when Mara left her tentmates, even they left as well and all five of them went to their team. She was nervous, almost scared of her team.

"Hey, arseling!" Nibs called, she glanced up at her team, "You deaf or what? Come on now!"

Thanks to Curly for that stupid nickname he gave her and now probably most of the Lost Boys call her that. She had to do this, it's only today and just all day. If she could move fast, if her team move fast then they can get this game done.

She was behind them, Felix was leading and she was walking behind Twin Two. Only couple yards ahead of walking, that's when the boys started jogging away and she had to as well. She hated running, even jogging, she must stay right behind them.

Deers are swift, and quickly startled. It wouldn't be difficult to find one if the island wasn't that big. It would be hard to catch the animal, maybe her team will be quick enough to catch one. Felix had been here for a long time and was one of the first Lost Boys, he could have done this thousand times.

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