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"Start packing kiddo" Kyungsoo said.

" Ok! Thank you so so much for adopting me. I will be right back I have to go do something." I said.

"Ok we will wait here" Chen said.

Eunseo's POV

DuDE i SwEar Ji HeE Is On My LaSt NeRve. ShE ReaLly TryNa StArt bEef WiTh A 10 yR olD. EarlIr As  I wAs WalKinG She trieD mE. ShE WOnDErs wHy ShE hasn't bEeN AdOpTEd Yet.

"UNNIE!" Min ji yelled to me.

"NOONA!" Min jung yelled.

"MIN JI! MIN JUNG! How are my dongsengs today" I said bringing them in my grasp. When though life was bad sometimes they helped me get through it. They are just the cutest twins ever.

"Unnie why Is your lip bloddy" "and your bruised too Noona" they said.

" Oh I fell" I said.

"Oh ok well be more careful." Min jung said.

" Ok I will. But we aren't going to see each other anymore" I said. They're faces saddened.

"Why not" they said in unison almost crying.

"Because I'm getting adopted today. I promise to come and visit you both though" I said holding back tears.

Authors POV

"Oh ok Noona" Min jung said.

"Yea as long as you visit we are fine" Ji hee said. Both of them started to take it suprisenly well.

*Meanwhile in Eunseos room*

"Almost done packing right Yixing" Suho said.

"Yea I'm almost done with clothes. Just her electronics and some other things she doesnt have much so its easy." Yixing said.

"Electronics let's call her friend And see what she was saying earlier" beakhyun said.

"Yea!" Chaneyol said exitedly.

They all gathered around the tablet trying to get in but all they did was get locked out.

"Suho your her new dad just make her call her friend and tell us" Xumin said.

"Uhh no technically we are all family and you all are her brothers" Suho said.

"Fine" Xumin said.

I think I'm starting go feel bad for the craziness Eunseo is going to go through. Then again it's Exo so never mind.

"What's going on" Eunseo asked surprising all the boys.

"Oh Eunseo your here" Chen said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yea. Y'all packed for me?" Eunseo asked seeing an emptier room replaced with a box. "Thank you, you all didn't have to though" Eunseo said.

"We wanted to, of course we didnt have to" Beakhyun said.

"Well then thank you I will pack the rest" Eunseo said. She then grabbed the rest of her things or what yixing didn't pack and loaded the van. However they really didn't take long since Eunseo had very little.

Eunseo's POV

"I call sitting next to her" Kyungsoo yelled.

"Umm....I call sitting next to Kyungsoo and who ever wants to go on the other side of me!" I shouted half mocking Kyungsoo half serious.

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